أنواع الأقمشة الجلدية وتكوينها وخصائصها

أنواع الأقمشة الجلدية وتكوينها وخصائصها

هناك العديد من أنواع الأقمشة الجلدية التي يشيع استخدامها في سوق النسيج. بشكل عام, نقسمهم إلى: جلد اصلي, جلد ستوكات, جلد حماية البيئة, جلد غربي, والجلود المقلدة.


الجلد المقلد من البلاستيك PVC, but the surface is made of texture. The quality of the imitation leather is determined by the thickness. عموما, the thickness of the imitation leather is 0.7mm. , The thicker the imitation leather, الافضل. The color of imitation leather is very important. It must be the same color or close to that of real leather. If the difference is large, it will seriously affect the quality of the furniture.


Xipi is a kind of artificial leather, mainly made of PVC, with a thickness of more than 1.0mm.


Eco-friendly leather is a new type of artificial leather, with a soft feel and similar texture to real leather.


جلد ستوكات, also known as microfiber leather, is the best artificial leather. The texture is very similar to real leather, and the feel is a bit hard. It is difficult for outsiders to distinguish whether it is genuine leather or recycled leather.


جلد ستوكات, the full name is microfiber simulation sofa leather, also called recycled leather, is a newly developed high-grade leather in synthetic leather, not real leather. Because of its cold resistance, التهوية, مقاومة الشيخوخة, soft texture and beautiful appearance, it has become an ideal choice for replacing human leather.


Natural dermis is “منسوج” from many collagen fibers of varying thickness. The grain surface layer and the mesh layer are two layers. The grain surface layer is woven with very fine collagen fibers, and the mesh layer is woven with thicker collagen fibers. يصبح.


Since the surface layer of the microfiber leather is composed of a polyurethane layer that is similar to the grain layer of natural leather, the bottom layer is made of microfiber non-woven fabric, and the structure is very similar to the mesh layer of natural leather. It has very similar structure and performance to natural leather.


مقارنة بالجلد الطبيعي, يتميز جلد ستوكات بالخصائص التالية:


  1. Folding fastness can be comparable to natural leather. Normal temperature curve reaches 200,000 مرات دون تشققات ودرجة حرارة منخفضة (-20’C) has 30,000 مرات بلا شقوق (مقاومة جيدة للحرارة وخصائص ميكانيكية).


  1. Moderate elongation (شعور جيد للبشرة).


  1. High tear strength and peel strength (مقاومة عالية للتآكل, قوة الدموع, قوة الشد).


  1. لن يكون هناك تلوث من الإنتاج إلى الاستخدام, والأداء البيئي متفوق. يشبه تأثير مظهر الجلد المصنوع من الألياف الدقيقة الجلد الطبيعي, وتوحيد سمكها, قوة الدموع, color vividness and leather surface utilization are better than Danan leather. It has become the development direction of contemporary synthetic leather. إذا كان سطح الجلد المصنوع من الألياف الدقيقة متسخًا: scrub it with high-grade gasoline or clean water. Do not scrub with other organic solvents or alkaline substances to prevent the quality from being abducted. Microfiber leather use conditions: heat setting should not exceed 25 minutes at 100°C, ليس أكثر من 10 دقيقة عند 120 درجة مئوية, وليس أكثر من 5 دقيقة عند 130 درجة مئوية.


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