“Verde” Conciencia de consumo en la era post-epidemia

En términos de cultura de consumo, Chinese consumers'”verde” la conciencia ha comenzado a tomar la delantera en el mercado global.
Según Accenture 2021 Investigación del consumidor chino: informe posterior a la epidemia, 55 por ciento de los encuestados chinos dijeron que prestarían más atención a “sostenibilidad corporativa y valores morales” en la era post-epidemia.

El factor que los consumidores en China y otras partes del mundo consideran al elegir una marca, es decir, el grado de fuente ligada al precio: Novena ronda de la encuesta sobre la epidemia de COVID-19 de Accenture.
The results of a study conducted by MII and North Mountain Consulting Group show that Chinese cities are highly receptive to the next generation of leather products.
90% of respondents said they prefer the next generation of leather to traditional leather, y 70% said they are very likely to buy the next generation of leather.

According to the qualitative research of the report, the consumption motivation of the next generation of leather supporters is the altruism of products in the environment and animal welfare (Altruistic Benefit), while the innovation, fashion and economic affordability of products are also taken into account.

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