Científicos de Nueva Zelanda reciben el premio de investigación IULTCS.

Asociación internacional de tecnólogos y químicos del cuero será premiada 2018 jóvenes científicos del cuero investigan premios para 2018 euros en Nueva Zelanda asociación de calzado de cuero para el estudio de Zhang Yi , para alentar a los jóvenes trabajadores del cuero que trabajan en la industria del cuero.

El premio está destinado a alentar al Sr. Zhang a estudiar la técnica de las técnicas de dispersión de neutrones para mejorar la resistencia del cuero.. The international association of leather technologists and chemists said the technology would improve the tensile strength of leather and could be used to develop new synthetic tanning agents.

Mr. Zhang’s research project can also help us understand the impact of different mineral tanning agents on the physical properties of leather, and help leather enterprises to seek a tanning substitute that is conducive to the environment.

International leather technologists and chemists association study commission chairman lewis said to comment on this year’s awards ceremony, this year’s contest has attracted a large number of innovative projects, project quality has greatly improved. This shows that the importance of our scientific encouragement awards is constantly improving.

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