Waterproof Microfiber Fabric Artificial Shoes Upper Leather

1.Resistente a la abrasión.

2Resistente a los arañazos.

3.Resistente a las manchas.

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Our artificial shoes upper leather is crafted from high-quality materials and is designed to provide you with long-lasting comfort and foot support. Está finamente tratado para respirar y absorber la humedad para mantener tus pies secos y cómodos en todo momento..


Resistente a la abrasión.Resistente a los arañazos.Resistente a las manchas.
Buena resistencia a la abrasión, scratch and abrasion resistance on the surface of the artificial shoes upper leather, no es fácil de pelar y desvanecer.Nuestro cuero tiene una excelente resistencia a los rayones y es resistente a rayones y abrasiones.. Ya sea en el uso diario o en otros escenarios, Nuestras pieles siguen siendo hermosas y duraderas..Our artificial shoes upper leather is highly resistant to stains and contaminants, proporcionando una protección confiable contra las manchas y manteniendo los productos limpios y hermosos.


Nombre de la marcalos prisioneros
MaterialWINIW Artificial Shoes Upper Leather
Composición55% Nylon + 45% Poliuretano
Grosor2.4mm, 2mm, 1.8mm, 1.6mm, 1.4mm, 1.2mm, 1.0mm, 0.8mm
Anchura137cm, 54"
ColorAzul, Oro, Rosado, Blanco, rojo, colores personalizados
Cantidad mínima de pedido300 metros lineales
Tiempo de espera15-20 dias
Capacidad de producción1,000,000 metros mensuales
Lugar de origenfujián, China


Cuero de alta calidad. Ofrecemos cueros de alta calidad que han sido cuidadosamente seleccionados para garantizar que los clientes reciban productos de calidad..

Equipo profesional. Contamos con un equipo profesional experimentado con profundo conocimiento y solidez técnica en la industria del cuero..

Seguro de calidad. Contamos con gestión avanzada, equipo de prueba completo, e implementa un sistema integral de gestión de calidad. La calidad de nuestros productos sigue siendo excelente..

Servicio postventa. Prestamos atención a la comunicación y la retroalimentación con los clientes., proporcionar un servicio postventa integral, y garantizar que los clientes obtengan una experiencia de compra satisfactoria.

What is artificial leather shoe material?

Cuero artificial, También conocido como cuero sintético o piel sintética., is a man-made material designed to mimic the look and feel of genuine leather. It is commonly used as an alternative to leather in the production of various products, including shoes.

There are different types of artificial leather materials used in shoe production, each with its own characteristics. Some common types include:

1. Poliuretano (PU) Cuero: This type of artificial leather is made by coating a fabric base with a layer of polyurethane. It can closely resemble genuine leather and is known for its durability, flexibilidad, and breathability. PU leather is commonly used in manufacturing shoes and is generally less expensive than real leather.

2. Cloruro de polivinilo (CLORURO DE POLIVINILO) Cuero: cuero, also known as vinyl leather, is made by applying a layer of polyvinyl chloride to a fabric base. It is often used in low-cost shoe production due to its affordability. PVC leather is less breathable compared to PU leather and may not offer the same level of comfort.

3. Cuero de microfibra: Microfiber is a synthetic material made from extremely fine fibers that are densely packed together. Microfiber leather is created by bonding these fibers to create a leather-like texture. It is known for its softness, durabilidad, and resistance to stains and scratches. Microfiber leather is often used in high-quality shoes as an alternative to genuine leather.

Artificial leather offers several advantages over genuine leather, such as being more affordable, easier to clean, and more resistant to water damage. sin embargo, it may not have the same level of breathability or aging characteristics as real leather.


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