Highly Durable Faux PU Microfiber Leather For Shoes Lining

1.Très résistant.

2.Poids léger.


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Our faux PU microfiber leather is crafted from carefully selected materials and are designed to provide you with long-lasting comfort. Il est perméable et empêche efficacement l'humidité de pénétrer dans la chaussure, tout en étant respirant pour garder le pied au sec et confortable.


Très résistant.Poids léger.Respirabilité.
Bonne résistance à l'abrasion, scratch and abrasion resistance on the faux PU microfiber leather surface, pas facile à peler et à décolorer.Our leather with lightweight can reduce the overall weight of the shoe, le rendant plus confortable et plus pratique à porter, réduit le fardeau pendant la marche.We use advanced materials and processes to ensure that the fiber structure of the leather supports air flow and provides good breathability for all-day comfort.


Marqueles prisonniers
MatérielWINIW Faux PU Microfiber Leather
Composition55% Nylon + 45% Polyuréthane
Épaisseur0.6mm, 0.7mm, 0.8mm
Largeur137cm, 54Le cuir microfibre WINIW est le meilleur matériau en cuir végétalien de qualité.
CouleurGris, couleurs personnalisées
Quantité minimum d'achat300 mètres linéaires
Délai de mise en œuvre15-20 journées
Capacité de production1,000,000 mètres par mois
DaimShoe lining
Lieu d'origineFujian, Chine


Variety. We offer a wide range of leather options for different applications and customer needs.

Excellent service. We are committed to providing excellent pre-sales consultation and after-sales service to ensure that customers have a satisfactory shopping experience.

Haute qualité. We specialize in the production of high quality leather products. We use advanced microfiber technology to produce leather with excellent durability and wear resistance.

Equipe professionelle. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in the leather industry. Our professional team will provide customized solutions according to the needs of customers and provide professional advice to customers.

Is microfiber leather scratch proof?

Microfiber leather is highly resistant to scratches compared to traditional leather.

The microfiber material is designed to be durable and less prone to damage from daily wear and tear. toutefois, it is not completely scratch-proof. Excessive force or sharp objects can still cause scratches on the surface of microfiber leather. It’s important to handle it with care and avoid dragging or scraping it against rough surfaces. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help preserve the appearance and condition of microfiber leather over time.

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