
Industri kulit China memasuki masa ekonomi eksponensial

Di 2012, Asosiasi Kulit China dan Pusat Informasi Industri Ringan China rilis bulanan bersama indeks iklim kulit ringan sepenuhnya mencerminkan jalannya keseluruhan tren industri kulit untuk perumusan kebijakan industri, dukungan data otoritas pengambilan keputusan perusahaan.
Pada tahun yang sama, the local leather index have released and the formation of the normal release mechanism. China Haining Leather index comprehensively and objectively reflect the overall supply and demand situation and economic level of Haining market, to reflect the leather product innovation […]

O'Connell v. mendukung kasus anti-dumping UE

November 18, 2012, Zhejiang Aokang Sepatu Co. menerima keputusan Pengadilan Tinggi Uni Eropa, memutuskan bahwa O'Connell v. Tindakan kasus sepatu UE yang melibatkan interpretasi ketentuan tertentu dari aturan anti-dumping UE, and overthrew the ordinary courts in Europemake the first instance ruling, the High Court held that the first instance verdict improperly. According to the Court, the European Commission will indemnify O’Connell to the primary European courts and the High Court of Appeal […]