0.6mm Faux Nubuck Suede Ultrasuede Leather Untuk Alas Kaki Orthotic

0.6mm Faux Nubuck Suede Ultrasuede Leather Untuk Alas Kaki Orthotic

1.Sangat tahan lama.

2.Tahan kerut.

3.Dapat disesuaikan.

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Luxurious materials, accurate leather matching and beautiful, on-trend finishes make tahanan faux nubuck kulit suede an ideal choice if you’re looking for material of orthotic shoes. The most important thing is that it has more advantages: sangat tahan lama, wrinkle-resistant and customizable.


Sangat tahan lama.

Ketahanan abrasi yang baik, ketahanan gores dan abrasi pada permukaan, tidak mudah terkelupas dan pudar.

Tahan kerut.

Melalui pemilihan material berkualitas tinggi dan teknologi canggih, our faux nubuck suede leather is able to remain smooth and wrinkle-resistant, menjaga kerapian, penampilan bergaya saat digunakan.

Dapat disesuaikan.

The faux nubuck suede leather’s thickness, warna, tekstur, fabric base, surface and quality characteristics all can be customized according to customer needs.


Nama merktahanan
BahanWINIW Faux Nubuck Suede
Komposisi55 Nilon + 45% Polyurethane
Ketebalan2.4mm, 2mm, 1.8mm, 1.6mm, 1.4mm, 1.2mm, 1.0mm, 0.8mm
Lebar54”, 137cm
WarnaAbu-abu, Biru, Merah Jambu, Kuning, warna yang disesuaikan
pesanan minimal300 meter linier
Lead time15-20 hari
Kapasitas produksi1,000,000 meter setiap bulan
Menggunakan Sepatu
Tempat asalCina


  • Variety: We offer a wide range of leather options for different applications and customer needs.
  • Desain inovatif: Kami memiliki tim desain profesional yang terus berinovasi dan menyediakan produk kulit yang unik dan modis untuk Anda.
  • Quality assurance: We have advanced management, complete testing equipment, and implements comprehensive quality management system. Its product quality continues to be excellent.
  • Professional team: We have been in the leather business for more than 20 years and have a team of professionals in this field. We have a lot of industry knowledge and provide one-on-one warm service.

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