0.8mm Kain Kulit Suede Mikro Microfiber Imitasi

1.Tahan gores.

2.Dapat disesuaikan.

3.Bahan daur ulang.

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Our microfiber micro kulit suede is rigorously screened and finely processed to provide superior resistance to tearing and abrasion, ensuring a long use life.


  • Tahan gores. Our microfiber micro suede leather has excellent scratch resistance and is resistant to scratches and abrasions. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari atau dalam skenario lainnya, kulit kami tetap cantik dan tahan lama.
  • Dapat disesuaikan. Its thickness, warna, tekstur, fabric base, surface and quality characteristics all can be customized according to customer needs.
  • Bahan daur ulang. Comparing with the common synthetic leather, the microfiber micro suede leather’s base is recycled materials. It is in line with the trend of people pursuing environmental protection.

Gambar Produk


Nama merktahanan
BahanWINIW Microfiber Micro Suede Leather
Komposisi55% Nilon + 45% Polyurethane
Warnaputih, Abu-abu, Biru, Merah Jambu, warna yang disesuaikan
pesanan minimal300 meter linier
Lead time15-20 hari
Kapasitas produksi1,000,000 meter per bulan
MenggunakanKain pelapis, Sepatu, Mobil
Tempat asal Quanzhou, Fujian, Cina

What is microfiber micro suede?

Microsuede is a humanmade polyester fabric, made up of millions of very fine microfibers. The fabric is finely woven and treated to create a surface that is smooth, plush, and suede-like.

Microfiber micro suede retains the luxurious look and velvety texture of suede, while offering the added benefits of being lightweight, breathable and easy to care for. It is a popular choice for upholstery, pakaian, and accessories due to its durability, stain resistance, and softness.


  • Who are your customers? We offer solutions to people who is eagerly searching for new technology in artificial and functional leather industry.
  • Apa yang bisa saya beli dari Anda? Kulit microfiber, Kulit PU, kulit daur ulang yang ramah lingkungan, kulit suede, dll.
  • Bisakah saya mendapatkan sampel? Ya. Kami dapat mengirimkan contoh gratis, Tapi angkutan ekspres perlu dikumpulkan. Jika Anda memiliki akun ekspres, tolong kirimkan informasinya kepada kami.
  • Berapa lama pembuatan celup lab warna? Sekitar 3-7 hari.
  • Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sampel pencocokan warna? Biasanya tentang 5-7 hari.

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