1.4mm Micro Fiber Interior PU Leatherette Fabric Material

1.4mm Micro Fiber Interior PU Leatherette Fabric Material

1.Penolak kotoran.

2.Tahan gores.

3.Fungsi antibakteri.

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tahanan berkomitmen untuk menyediakan rangkaian produk kulit terbaik untuk pembuatan interior mobil. Our interior PU leatherette is made of excellent materials and subjected to rigorous processes to provide excellent softness and comfort.


Penolak kotoran.

Our leatherettes are highly resistant to stains and contaminants, memberikan perlindungan yang andal terhadap noda dan menjaga produk tetap bersih dan indah.

Tahan gores..

Our leatherette has excellent scratch resistance and is resistant to scratches and abrasions. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari atau dalam skenario lainnya, kulit kami tetap cantik dan tahan lama.

Fungsi antibakteri.

The interior PU leatherette has the function of inhibiting the intrusion and reproduction of bacteria on the surface of the material, yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia, kebersihan dan kenyamanan.



WINIW Interior PU Leatherette


55% Nilon + 45% Polyurethane


1.2mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm


54”, 137cm


cokelat, Dril, Hitam, warna yang disesuaikan

Pesanan minimal

300 meter linier

Lead time

15-20 hari

Kapasitas produksi

1,000,000 meter setiap bulan

Tempat asal

Quanzhou, Fujian, Cina


Bahan interior mobil

—Do leatherette seats crack?—

Leatherette, juga dikenal sebagai kulit sintetis atau imitasi, is designed to be more durable and resistant to cracking compared to genuine leather. Namun, like any material, leatherette seats can still develop cracks over time, especially if they are not properly maintained or subjected to harsh conditions.

To minimize the risk of cracking and prolong the lifespan of your leatherette seats, here are some tips:

1. Regular cleaning: Clean the seats regularly to remove dirt, debu, and debris. Use a mild soap or leather cleaner specifically formulated for synthetic leather. Avoid using abrasive or harsh chemicals that can damage the material.

2. Conditioning: Apply a leather conditioner or protectant to keep the material moisturized and supple. This helps to prevent drying out and cracking. Follow the product instructions and use a conditioner suitable for synthetic leather.

3. Protection from sunlight: Extended exposure to direct sunlight can accelerate the drying and cracking process. To protect your leatherette seats, use sunshades or park in shaded areas whenever possible. If parking outdoors for extended periods, consider using a car cover.

4. Avoid extreme temperatures: Both extreme heat and cold can affect the integrity of leatherette seats. Avoid leaving the vehicle in extreme temperature conditions for extended periods. If parked in extreme cold, preheat the interior before sitting on the seats.

5. Regular maintenance: Conduct regular inspections of the seats to identify any signs of cracking or damage. Address minor issues promptly to prevent them from worsening.


-Masalah umum-

  • Apakah Anda memeriksa semua barang sebelum pengiriman? Ya, kita punya 100% pemeriksaan sebelum pengiriman.
  • Apakah bahan Anda ramah lingkungan? Ya, bahan kami ramah lingkungan, mematuhi peraturan Jangkauan UE.
  • Jam berapa pengirimannya?? Untuk barang yang tersedia dalam stok dapat kami kirimkan 1-5 hari. Untuk produksi massal, kita bisa pengiriman sekitar 7-15 hari setelah menerima setoran.
  • Bisakah saya mengubah ketebalan sesuai permintaan kami? Ya. Kami dapat mengembangkan ketebalan yang berbeda sesuai kebutuhan Anda.
  • Bisakah Anda membuat produk dan paket yang disesuaikan? Kami dapat menyediakan layanan yang disesuaikan untuk produk dan paket.

-Tentang kami-

WINIW terletak di kota pantai yang indah- Quanzhou. Kami adalah perusahaan yang menjual kulit buatan microfiber. Mereka banyak digunakan untuk pakaian sepatu, mebel, mobil dan tas. Sejak didirikan, WINIW telah berkembang pesat.

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