1.6mm Vegan Microsuede Leather Material For Automotive Interiors

1.6mm Vegan Microsuede Leather Material For Automotive Interiors

1.Tahan gores.


3.Tahan noda.

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WINIW vegan microsuede leather undergoes strict quality control to ensure that it meets the high standards of the automotive industry. Ini memiliki sifat yang sangat baik: scratch-resistance, breathability and stain-resistance, dan merupakan bahan yang sangat baik untuk interior otomotif.


Nama merktahanan
BahanWINIW Vegan Microsuede
Komposisi50% Nilon + 50% Polyurethane
Ketebalan1.2mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm
Lebar54”, 1.37 m
WarnaHitam, Abu-abu, warna yang disesuaikan
pesanan minimal300 meter linier
Lead time15-20 hari
Kapasitas produksi1 juta meter per bulan
MenggunakanInterior mobil
Tempat asalQuanzhou, Fujian, Cina


  • Tahan gores. Our vegan microsuede leather has excellent scratch resistance and is resistant to scratches and abrasions. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari atau dalam skenario lainnya, kulit kami tetap cantik dan tahan lama.
  • Pernafasan. Breathable vegan microsuede leather makes the skin feel more comfortable and reduces sweat retention. Tambahan, the breathability helps to avoid the growth of bacteria and keeps the car hygienic.
  • Tahan noda. Our vegan microsuede leathers are highly resistant to stains and contaminants, memberikan perlindungan yang andal terhadap noda dan menjaga produk tetap bersih dan indah.


—Is vegan suede eco-friendly?—

Ya, vegan suede is generally considered to be more eco-friendly compared to traditional suede made from animal hides.

Vegan suede is typically made from synthetic materials such as microfiber or polyester, which do not involve the use of animal products or by-products. The manufacturing process of vegan suede also tends to require less water and energy compared to the production of genuine suede. Selain itu, vegan suede can have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and contributing to sustainability efforts.


  • Is your material leather or synthetic leather? Our microfiber leather is 100% bahan kulit sintetis.
  • Apakah bahan Anda ramah lingkungan? Ya, bahan kami ramah lingkungan, mematuhi peraturan Jangkauan UE.
  • Who are your customers? We offer solutions to people who is eagerly searching for new technology in artificial and functional leather industry.
  • Bisakah saya mendapatkan sampel? Ya. Kami dapat mengirimkan contoh gratis, Tapi angkutan ekspres perlu dikumpulkan. Jika Anda memiliki akun ekspres, tolong kirimkan informasinya kepada kami.
  • Bisakah saya mengubah ketebalan sesuai permintaan kami? Ya. Mostly the thickness of our leather is 0.6mm-1.5mm, but we can develop different thickness according to your needs.

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