2.4mm Kulit Suede Vegan Faux Microfiber Tahan Abrasi

1.Tahan abrasi.

2.Tahan penuaan.

3.Bebas logam berat.

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tahanan microfiber faux vegan suede is made from high-quality raw materials and processed through eco-friendly processes. Not only does it has a beautiful appearance and soft texture, tetapi ia juga memiliki sifat yang sangat baik: abrasion-resistant, aging-resistant and heavy-metals free.


  • Tahan abrasi. Our leathers are expertly treated for excellent abrasion resistance and can withstand daily use and friction to meet customer needs for abrasion resistance.
  • Tahan penuaan. By using high-quality raw materials and exquisite manufacturing processes, our products can maintain their original appearance and quality for a long time, providing customers with long-lasting products.
  • Bebas logam berat. The imitation PU leather with heavy metal-free has environmental protection and meets the requirements of sustainable development.

Gambar Produk


Nama merktahanan
BahanWINIW Microfiber Faux Vegan Suede
Komposisi55% Nilon + 45% Polyurethane
Warnaputih, Abu-abu, Biru, Merah Jambu, warna yang disesuaikan
pesanan minimal300 meter linier
Lead time15-20 hari
Kapasitas produksi1,000,000 meter per bulan
MenggunakanKain pelapis, Sepatu, Mobil
Tempat asal Quanzhou, Fujian, Cina

Is microfiber suede good?

Ya, microfiber suede is often considered to be good.

It offers several advantages over traditional suede, such as being more affordable, tahan lama, and easier to clean. Microfiber suede also tends to be more resistant to stains and water, making it a practical choice for upholstery, clothing and accessories. Selain itu, microfiber suede is known for its soft and smooth texture, providing a luxurious feel similar to natural suede.


  • Who are your customers? We offer solutions to people who is eagerly searching for new technology in artificial and functional leather industry.
  • Apa yang bisa saya beli dari Anda? Kulit microfiber, Kulit PU, kulit daur ulang yang ramah lingkungan, kulit suede, dll.
  • Bisakah saya mendapatkan sampel? Ya. Kami dapat mengirimkan contoh gratis, Tapi angkutan ekspres perlu dikumpulkan. Jika Anda memiliki akun ekspres, tolong kirimkan informasinya kepada kami.
  • Berapa lama pembuatan celup lab warna? Sekitar 3-7 hari.
  • Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sampel pencocokan warna? Biasanya tentang 5-7 hari.

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