2mm Tebal Paten Kulit Imitasi Buatan Tahan Aus Untuk Sepatu Bot

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2mm Thick Wear-Resistant Artificial Faux Leather Patent For Boots Supplier in China!



Instruksi Produk:

WINIW 2mm Thick Wear-Resistant Artificial Faux Leather Patent is a durable material suitable for use in making boots. It provides a shiny appearance due to its patent feature, making the boots stand out. This faux leather material resists wear and tear, making it a cost-effective alternative to genuine leather. Its 2mm thickness is just adequate for making rugged boots that withstand harsh weather conditions without compromising on style.



Detail Penting:

Bahan: 100% sintetis, bahan non-kulit yang ramah hewan.

Ketebalan: 0.8mm, 1mm, 1.2mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm, 1.8mm, 2mm.

Lebar: 54”, 137cm.

Warna: Hitam, putih, Merah, Biru, hijau, Kuning, Merah Jambu, Krem, warna yang disesuaikan.

Pesanan minimal: 300 meter linier.

Lead time: 10-15 hari.

Kapasitas produksi: 1,000,000 meter setiap bulan.



Gambar Produk:



WINIW Artificial Leather Material For Belt Making Manufacturer


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Q: What is artificial patent leather?

To put it simply, patent leather is a type of synthetic leather that has a shiny, mirror-like finish. It is often used in dress shoes, as it can make them look very polished and formal.


1. Q: Bisakah saya mendapatkan sampel?
SEBUAH: Ya. Kami dapat mengirimkan contoh gratis, Tapi angkutan ekspres perlu dikumpulkan. Jika Anda memiliki akun ekspres, tolong kirimkan informasinya kepada kami.

2. Q: Berapa lama pembuatan celup lab warna?
SEBUAH: Sekitar 3-7 hari.

3. Q: Bolehkah saya memiliki perintah pengadilan?
SEBUAH: Tentu saja! Perintah percobaan diperlukan untuk pelanggan baru.

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