3mm Kulit Sintetis Tebal untuk Harness Berkuda

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3mm Kulit Sintetis Tebal untuk Harness Berkuda!


2mm thick PU microfiber leather, 3mm thick synthetic leather, 4mm thick faux leather suppliers manufacturer in China! WINIW supply high quality thick faux leather, thickness from 2mm to 6mm. Sobekan tinggi dan kekuatan tarik, highly durability, well used for leather belts, tas, barang-barang kulit, kerajinan, kalung anjing, equestrian harness, dll.


Features of WINIW Thick Synthetic Leather:

100% bahan kulit sintetis, bahan non kulit, animal-friendly, curelty.

Excellent physical and chemical performance, tahan abrasi.

Superior flexibility, sangat tahan lama.





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