High-end Microfiber Leather Material Artificial Vegan Sofa Suede

High-end Microfiber Leather Material Artificial Vegan Sofa Suede

1.Tahan gores.

2.Tidak berbau.

3.Tahan air.

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Our artificial vegan sofa suede is a carefully crafted man-made suede designed specifically to meet the high quality demands of the sofas. It combines the classic style of natural leather with the advantages of modern technology, ensuring that your sofa not only looks elegant but is also durable.


Tahan gores.


Our artificial vegan sofa suede has excellent scratch resistance and is resistant to scratches and abrasions. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari atau dalam skenario lainnya, kulit kami tetap cantik dan tahan lama.

Tidak berbau.


Our suedes are made with eco-friendly materials and advanced technology, dan dirawat serta disaring secara ketat untuk memastikan tidak ada bau.

Tahan air.


Winiw uses advanced technology to effectively resist moisture penetration, and our artificial vegan sofa suede can always be dry and beautiful.


Nama merktahanan
BahanWINIW Artificial Vegan Sofa Suede
Komposisi55%Nilon + 45% Polyurethane
Ketebalan0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1.2mm, 1.4mm
Lebar54”, 137cm
WarnaBiru, Abu-abu, Merah, warna yang disesuaikan
pesanan minimal300 meter linier
Lead time15-20 hari
Kapasitas produksi1,000,000 meter setiap bulan
Tempat asalCina


  • Kulit berkualitas tinggi. Kami menawarkan kulit berkualitas tinggi yang telah dipilih dengan cermat untuk memastikan bahwa pelanggan menerima produk berkualitas.
  • Tim profesional. Kami memiliki tim profesional yang berpengalaman dengan pengetahuan mendalam dan kekuatan teknis di industri kulit.
  • Layanan purna jual. Kami menyediakan layanan purna jual yang sangat baik. Kami akan menangani masalah yang dihadapi pelanggan dalam proses penggunaan produk secara tepat waktu untuk menjamin kepuasan pelanggan.
  • Kesadaran lingkungan. Kami memperhatikan perlindungan lingkungan, mengadopsi proses dan material ramah lingkungan dalam proses produksinya, dan berkomitmen terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan.

Which is the artificial fabric?

Artificial fabrics, also known as synthetic or man-made fabrics, are created through chemical processes using synthesized materials.

These fabrics are made from fibers that are not naturally occurring and are created in laboratories or manufacturing facilities. Examples of artificial fabrics include polyester, nilon, acrylic, rayon, and spandex. These fabrics possess various properties such as durability, kekuatan, wrinkle resistance, moisture-wicking, and stretchability, making them popular choices in the textile industry for clothing, kain pelapis, and other applications.


Tentang kami

Welcome to Winiw! We are a professional leather company, offering high quality leather in rich colors for a wide range of industries and applications. Whether it is shoes, furniture or leather goods, we can meet the needs of customers. If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us!



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