High End Synthetic PU Leather Material Automotive Interiors Fabric

High End Synthetic PU Leather Material Automotive Interiors Fabric

1.Sangat tahan lama.

2Tahan gores.

3.Tahan penuaan.

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tahanan uses advanced technology and high-quality raw materials to produce synthetic PU leather material, which makes it an excellent material for cars due to its good properties: sangat tahan lama, scratch-resistant and aging-resistant.


Sangat tahan lama.Tahan gores.Tahan penuaan.
Ketahanan abrasi yang baik, scratch and abrasion resistance on the synthetic PU leather material surface, tidak mudah terkelupas dan pudar.Kulit kami memiliki ketahanan gores yang sangat baik dan tahan terhadap goresan dan lecet. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari atau dalam skenario lainnya, kulit kami tetap cantik dan tahan lama.Our leathers can maintain their original appearance and quality for a long time, providing customers with long-lasting products.


Nama merktahanan
BahanWINIW Synthetic PU Leather Material
Komposisi55% Nilon + 45% Polyurethane
Ketebalan1.2mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm
Lebar137cm, 54”
WarnaHitam, warna yang disesuaikan
pesanan minimal300 meter linier
Lead time15-20 hari
Kapasitas produksi1,000,000 meter setiap bulan
MenggunakanAutomotive interiors fabric
Tempat asalFujian, Cina


Kulit berkualitas tinggi. Kami menawarkan kulit berkualitas tinggi yang telah dipilih dengan cermat untuk memastikan bahwa pelanggan menerima produk berkualitas.

Tim profesional. Kami memiliki tim profesional yang berpengalaman dengan pengetahuan mendalam dan kekuatan teknis di industri kulit.

Innovative technology. We continue to introduce advanced leather processing technology to provide innovative products and solutions.

Kesadaran lingkungan. Kami memperhatikan perlindungan lingkungan, adopt sustainable production processes and eco-friendly materials, and provide customers with green choices.

Does synthetic leather last long?

Kulit sintetis, known as faux or artificial leather, a man-made material to mimic the look feel of genuine leather.

It may not possess same level of durability real leather, synthetic leather still be a reliable long-lasting material when cared for. The of synthetic leather depends various factors such as the of the material, of use, and practices. With proper, synthetic leather products can for several years, them a worthwhile option those seeking a leather-like at a more affordable point.


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