Highly-durable Microfiber PU Bags Leatherette Material

Highly-durable Microfiber PU Bags Leatherette Material

1.Sangat tahan lama.


3.Tahan gores.

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Our PU bags leatherette is made with high-quality man-made materials and is specially designed for bag manufacturing. It has a similar look and feel to genuine leather, but is also durable and easy to maintain. We offer a variety of color and texture options to help you create a unique and beautiful bag.


Sangat tahan lama.

Ketahanan abrasi yang baik, ketahanan gores dan abrasi pada permukaan, tidak mudah terkelupas dan pudar.


WINIW memiliki fokus yang kuat pada keberlanjutan, dan kami menggunakan bahan dan proses produksi yang ramah lingkungan untuk mengurangi dampak terhadap lingkungan dan berkontribusi terhadap perlindungan lingkungan.

Tahan gores.

Our PU bags leatherette material has excellent scratch resistance and is resistant to scratches and abrasions. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari atau dalam skenario lainnya, kulit kami tetap cantik dan tahan lama.



WINIW PU Bags Leatherette


55% Nilon + 45% Polyurethane


0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1.2mm, 1.4mm


54”, 137cm


Merah Jambu, putih, Merah, Hitam, warna yang disesuaikan

Pesanan minimal

300 meter linier

Lead time

15-20 hari

Kapasitas produksi

1,000,000 meter setiap bulan

Tempat asal

Quanzhou, Fujian, Cina



—Is leatherette long lasting?—

Leatherette, juga dikenal sebagai kulit imitasi atau kulit sintetis, is designed to mimic the look and feel of genuine leather. Its durability can vary depending on the quality of the material and how it is maintained. Umumnya, leatherette is not as durable or long-lasting as genuine leather. Genuine leather is made from animal hide, which is a natural material that can develop a rich patina over time and with proper care can last for many years.

Leatherette, di samping itu, is typically made from a fabric base coated with a layer of polyurethane (PU) or vinyl to give it a leather-like appearance. While it can be more affordable and easier to clean than genuine leather, it may not withstand heavy use or age as well. The coating on leatherette can be prone to cracking, mengupas, or fading over time, especially if exposed to harsh conditions.

To prolong the lifespan of leatherette, penting untuk merawatnya dengan benar. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight for prolonged periods, as this can cause fading. Clean any spills or stains promptly using a mild soap and water solution, and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the material. Selain itu, you should avoid subjecting leatherette to excessive heat or sharp objects that could puncture or tear it.

In summary, while leatherette can offer a comparable appearance to genuine leather at a lower cost, it is generally not as long-lasting or durable. Dengan perawatan yang tepat, it can still provide satisfactory performance for a reasonable amount of time, but it may not withstand heavy use or age as well as genuine leather.


-Masalah umum-

  • Apakah Anda memeriksa semua barang sebelum pengiriman? Ya, kita punya 100% pemeriksaan sebelum pengiriman.
  • Apakah bahan Anda ramah lingkungan? Ya, bahan kami ramah lingkungan, mematuhi peraturan Jangkauan UE.
  • Jam berapa pengirimannya?? Untuk barang yang tersedia dalam stok dapat kami kirimkan 1-5 hari. Untuk produksi massal, kita bisa pengiriman sekitar 7-15 hari setelah menerima setoran.
  • Bisakah saya mengubah ketebalan sesuai permintaan kami? Ya. Kami dapat mengembangkan ketebalan yang berbeda sesuai kebutuhan Anda.
  • Bisakah Anda membuat produk dan paket yang disesuaikan? Kami dapat menyediakan layanan yang disesuaikan untuk produk dan paket.

-Tentang kami-

WINIW production covers several product sectors, such as furniture, automotive and fashion, where within the latter we find footwear, leather goods and clothing.Our products are to be found on various international markets and testify to a high degree of taste and refinement typical of made in China.

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