Highly Durable Synthetic PU Vegan Leather For Hockey Gloves

Highly Durable Synthetic PU Vegan Leather For Hockey Gloves

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tahanan synthetic PU vegan leather is rigorously screened and finely processed to provide superior resistance to tearing and abrasion, ensuring a long glove life.


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Ketahanan abrasi yang baik, ketahanan gores dan abrasi pada permukaan, tidak mudah terkelupas dan pudar.



We use advanced materials and processes to ensure that the fiber structure of the synthetic PU vegan leather supports air flow and provides good breathability for all-day comfort.

Tahan kerut.


Melalui pemilihan material berkualitas tinggi dan teknologi canggih, our leather is able to remain smooth and wrinkle-resistant, menjaga kerapian, penampilan bergaya saat digunakan.


Nama merktahanan
BahanWINIW Synthetic PU Vegan Leather
Komposisi55%Nilon + 45% Polyurethane
Ketebalan1.0mm, 1.2mm
Lebar54”, 137cm
WarnaMerah, warna yang disesuaikan
pesanan minimal300 meter linier
Lead time15-20 hari
Kapasitas produksi1,000,000 meter setiap bulan
MenggunakanSarung tangan
Tempat asalCina



  • Kontrol kualitas. Kami secara ketat mengontrol setiap jalur produksi untuk memastikan bahwa setiap produk kulit memenuhi persyaratan kualitas tinggi.
  • Kemampuan desain yang inovatif. Kami memiliki tim desain profesional, terus mengejar inovasi dan fashion, menyediakan berbagai pilihan tekstur kulit, warna dan gaya.
  • Customer first. We put our customersneeds first, strive to exceed expectations, and build long-term relationships.
  • Kesadaran lingkungan. Kami memperhatikan perlindungan lingkungan, adopt sustainable production processes and eco-friendly materials, and provide customers with green choices.

Is synthetic leather good quality?

Synthetic leather can vary in quality depending on the manufacturing process and materials used.

High-quality synthetic leather can closely resemble real leather in terms of appearance, daya tahan, and texture. Namun, lower-quality synthetic leather may have a less authentic feel and may not be durable over time. It’s important to consider the specific brand and product when assessing the quality of synthetic leather.

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