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Penahan Api Pesawat Kulit Microfiber.

Instruksi Produk:

This Microfiber Leather Aircraft Flame Retardant is a durable and flame-resistant material designed for use in aircraft. It is made from a combination of microfiber and leather, making it lightweight yet strong. It has excellent resistance to heat, fire, dan abrasi, making it ideal for use in aircraft interiors. The material is also breathable and comfortable to the touch, providing superior comfort for passengers. Its flame retardant properties make it an ideal choice for safety-critical applications.


Detail Penting:

Bahan: Semi PU

Teknik Pendukung: anyaman

Pola: Timbul

Lebar: 54/55″

Fitur: Tahan Abrasi, Anti-Jamur, Elastis, Tahan air

Ketebalan: 1.2mm

Tempat asal: Fujian, Cina

Nama merk: tahanan

warna: Hitam, hijau, Biru.

Menggunakan: Aircraft, Boat, Mobil, Kursi mobil


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