Bahan Sarung Tangan Hoki Kulit Microfiber PU Merah

1.Tekstur bening.

2.Anti selip.

3.Tahan gores.

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tahanan microfiber PU leatherette is made of fine microfibers by an exclusive technological process. Ini adalah alternatif terbaik yang mereproduksi secara sintetis struktur kulit alami dan, hasil dari, itu memberi lebih banyak keuntungan: clear texture, non-slip and scratch-resistant.


Tekstur bening.

The microfiber PU leatherette surface presents a distinct, pola tekstur halus, yang menambah tekstur dan keindahan produk. Setiap bagian kulit diolah dengan halus untuk memastikan tekstur yang jernih.

Anti selip.

Our leatherette has undergone a special treatment to ensure a stable anti-slip effect during use, increasing the practicality and safety of the product.

Tahan gores.

Our leatherette has excellent scratch resistance and is resistant to scratches and abrasions. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari atau dalam skenario lainnya, kulit kami tetap cantik dan tahan lama.



Kulit Buatan PU Microfiber WINIW


55% Nilon + 45% Polyurethane


1.0mm, 1.2mm


54”, 137cm


Merah, warna yang disesuaikan

Pesanan minimal

300 meter linier

Lead time

15-20 hari

Kapasitas produksi

1,000,000 meter setiap bulan

Tempat asal

Quanzhou, Fujian, Cina


Hockey gloves


—Is leatherette a good product?—

Ya, leatherette can be a good product depending on the specific use and requirements.

It is a synthetic material designed to imitate the look and feel of genuine leather, offering a more affordable and versatile alternative. Leatherette is generally more resistant to wear and tear, mudah untuk dibersihkan, and available in a wide range of colors and textures. It can be used for various applications such as upholstery, interior otomotif, aksesoris, and even footwear. Namun, it is important to note that the quality and durability of leatherette can vary, so it is recommended to choose a reputable brand or supplier for the best results.

-Masalah umum-

  • Bisakah Anda memproduksi sesuai dengan sampel kami? Ya, Anda dapat memberikan sampel kepada kami, dan kami akan memproduksi kulit sesuai dengan kebutuhan spesifik Anda.
  • Bagaimana dengan syarat pembayarannya? Biasanya, kami menerima 30% T/T terlebih dahulu,70% pembayaran saldo setelah sampel produksi massal dikonfirmasi dan sebelum pengiriman.
  • Jam berapa pengirimannya?? Untuk barang yang tersedia dalam stok dapat kami kirimkan 1-5 hari. Untuk produksi massal, kita bisa pengiriman sekitar 7-15 hari setelah menerima setoran.
  • Bisakah saya mengubah ketebalan sesuai permintaan kami? Ya. Kami dapat mengembangkan ketebalan yang berbeda sesuai kebutuhan Anda.
  • Can you make customized products and package? We can provide customized service for products and package.

-Tentang kami-

Picking up where mother nature left off, the performance features of WINIW microfiber leather have become a benchmark in the footwear industry. Because of our strict quality control, the standard of our goods consistently surpasses your expectations. The most essential point is that WINIW is constantly focused on providing excellent customer service.

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