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Our artificial vegan shoes leather is crafted from high-quality materials and is designed to provide you with long-lasting comfort and foot support. Ini diperlakukan dengan halus untuk bernapas dan menyerap kelembapan untuk menjaga kaki Anda tetap kering dan nyaman setiap saat.


Tahan air.Tahan gores.Tahan noda.
WINIW menggunakan teknologi canggih untuk secara efektif menahan penetrasi kelembapan, and our artificial vegan shoes leather can always be dry and beautiful.Kulit kami memiliki ketahanan gores yang sangat baik dan tahan terhadap goresan dan lecet. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari atau dalam skenario lainnya, kulit kami tetap cantik dan tahan lama.Our artificial vegan shoes leather is highly resistant to stains and contaminants, memberikan perlindungan yang andal terhadap noda dan menjaga produk tetap bersih dan indah.


Nama merktahanan
BahanWINIW Artificial Vegan Shoes Leather
Komposisi55% Nilon + 45% Polyurethane
Ketebalan2.4mm, 2mm, 1.8mm, 1.6mm, 1.4mm, 1.2mm, 1.0mm, 0.8mm
Lebar137cm, 54”
WarnaBiru, Emas, Merah Jambu, putih, Merah, warna yang disesuaikan
pesanan minimal300 meter linier
Lead time15-20 hari
Kapasitas produksi1,000,000 meter setiap bulan
Tempat asalFujian, Cina


Kulit berkualitas tinggi. Kami menawarkan kulit berkualitas tinggi yang telah dipilih dengan cermat untuk memastikan bahwa pelanggan menerima produk berkualitas.

Tim profesional. Kami memiliki tim profesional yang berpengalaman dengan pengetahuan mendalam dan kekuatan teknis di industri kulit.

Kualitas asuransi. Kami memiliki manajemen tingkat lanjut, peralatan pengujian lengkap, dan menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu yang komprehensif. Kualitas produk kami tetap prima.

Layanan purna jual. Kami memperhatikan komunikasi dan umpan balik dengan pelanggan, memberikan layanan purna jual yang komprehensif, dan memastikan pelanggan mendapatkan pengalaman berbelanja yang memuaskan.

What is artificial leather shoe material?

Kulit buatan, also known as synthetic leather or faux leather, is a man-made material designed to mimic the look and feel of genuine leather. It is commonly used as an alternative to leather in the production of various products, including shoes.

There are different types of artificial leather materials used in shoe production, each with its own characteristics. Some common types include:

1. Polyurethane (PU) Kulit: This type of artificial leather is made by coating a fabric base with a layer of polyurethane. It can closely resemble genuine leather and is known for its durability, fleksibilitas, and breathability. PU leather is commonly used in manufacturing shoes and is generally less expensive than real leather.

2. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Kulit: PVC leather, also known as vinyl leather, is made by applying a layer of polyvinyl chloride to a fabric base. It is often used in low-cost shoe production due to its affordability. PVC leather is less breathable compared to PU leather and may not offer the same level of comfort.

3. Kulit Microfiber: Microfiber is a synthetic material made from extremely fine fibers that are densely packed together. Microfiber leather is created by bonding these fibers to create a leather-like texture. It is known for its softness, daya tahan, and resistance to stains and scratches. Microfiber leather is often used in high-quality shoes as an alternative to genuine leather.

Artificial leather offers several advantages over genuine leather, such as being more affordable, easier to clean, and more resistant to water damage. Namun, it may not have the same level of breathability or aging characteristics as real leather.


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