“緑” 流行後の消費意識

消費者文化の観点から, Chinese consumers'”緑” 意識が世界市場で主導権を握り始めた.
アクセンチュアによると 2021 中国の消費者調査: エピデミック後のレポート, 55 中国の回答者のパーセントは、もっと注意を払うと述べました “企業の持続可能性と道徳的価値” 流行後の時代に.

中国や世界の他の地域の消費者がブランドを選択する際に考慮する要素, あれは, 価格にリンクされたソースの程度: アクセンチュアの第9ラウンドのCOVID-19エピデミック調査.
The results of a study conducted by MII and North Mountain Consulting Group show that Chinese cities are highly receptive to the next generation of leather products.
90% of respondents said they prefer the next generation of leather to traditional leather, そして 70% said they are very likely to buy the next generation of leather.

According to the qualitative research of the report, the consumption motivation of the next generation of leather supporters is the altruism of products in the environment and animal welfare (Altruistic Benefit), while the innovation, fashion and economic affordability of products are also taken into account.
