
  • 説明
  • 問い合わせ


WINIW microfiber leatherette material is a new high-tech material, with its unique characteristics: 通気性, soft and antibacterial. It is a fabric with a high technical performance that can perfectly imitate properties of natural leather.



Breathable microfiber leatherette material makes the skin feel more comfortable and reduces sweat retention. 加えて, the breathability helps to avoid the growth of bacteria and keeps the sofa hygienic.


We use high-quality raw materials and advanced processing technology to ensure that our leatherettes have excellent softness to bring customers a superior user experience.


レザーレットは素材表面の細菌の侵入と繁殖を抑制する機能があります。, それは人間の健康に有益です, 衛生と快適さ.



WINIW Microfiber Leatherette Material


55% ナイロン + 45% ポリウレタン


1.2んん, 0.6んん, 0.8んん, 1.0んん, 1.4んん, 1.6んん

54ビーガンレザー生地, 137CM

ブラック, カスタマイズされた色


300 リニアメーター


15-20 日々


1,000,000 毎月のメートル


泉州市, 福建省, 中国


Car interiors fabric

—How do you clean and maintain leatherette?—

To clean and maintain leatherette, you can follow these steps:

1. Preparation: Remove any loose dirt or debris from the surface of the leatherette using a soft brush or cloth.

2. クリーニング: Mix a small amount of mild soap or detergent with warm water to create a gentle cleaning solution. Dip a soft cloth into the solution and wring out any excess liquid. Gently wipe the leatherette surface, paying attention to any stains or spots. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, 素材を損傷する可能性があるため、.

3. Rinse: Dampen a clean cloth with water and wipe away the soap residue from the leatherette.

4. 乾燥: Use a dry, clean cloth to absorb any excess moisture from the surface. Allow the leatherette to air dry completely before using or applying any conditioning products.

5. コンディショニング (optional): If desired, you can apply a small amount of leatherette conditioner using a clean cloth. Follow the instructions provided by the conditioner manufacturer for the best results. Conditioning helps to restore moisture and maintain the suppleness of the material.

6. Protection: To protect the leatherette from cracking or drying out, you can apply a leatherette protectant or upholstery spray. These products create a protective barrier against spills, 汚れ, and UV damage.



  • 配達前にすべての商品をチェックしますか? はい, 我々は持っています 100% 出荷前検査.
  • あなたの材料は環境に優しいですか? はい, 私たちの材料は環境に優しいです, バッグ用のハイエンドマイクロスエードビーガンスエードレザー素材.
  • 配達時間は何時ですか? 在庫のある商品に関しては発送可能です 1-5 日々. 大量生産の場合, およそで配達可能です 7-15 デポジットを受け取ってから数日後.
  • 要望に応じて厚さを変更できますか? はい. ニーズに応じてさまざまな厚さを開発できます.
  • カスタマイズされた製品やパッケージを作成できますか? 製品とパッケージのカスタマイズされたサービスを提供できます.


WINIW started the synthetic leather business a few years ago and reached several milestones along the way. ビジネスパートナーをお探しなら, we would be happy to make a self-introduction. We are specialized in microfiber leather and other leather industries. We also cooperate with strong factories to increase our brand presence. 製品が必要な場合, お気軽にお問い合わせください。温かいサービスを提供いたします!
