• 説明
  • 問い合わせ


囚人たち is committed to providing an excellent range of leathers for car interiors making. Our vegan interiors leatherette is made of excellent materials and subjected to rigorous processes to provide excellent softness and comfort.



当社のレザーレットは汚れや汚染物質に対する耐性が非常に優れています, 確実に汚れを防ぎ、製品を清潔で美しく保ちます。.


Our vegan interiors leatherette has excellent scratch resistance and is resistant to scratches and abrasions. 日常使いでも、その他のシーンでも, 当社の革は美しく耐久性があり続けます.


The vegan interiors leatherette has the function of inhibiting the intrusion and reproduction of bacteria on the surface of the material, それは人間の健康に有益です, 衛生と快適さ.



WINIW Vegan Interiors Leatherette


55% ナイロン + 45% ポリウレタン


1.2んん, 0.6んん, 0.8んん, 1.0んん, 1.4んん, 1.6んん

54ビーガンレザー生地, 137CM

赤, Khaki, ブラック, カスタマイズされた色


300 リニアメーター


15-20 日々


1,000,000 毎月のメートル


泉州市, 福建省, 中国


Car interiors material

—How do you clean vegan leatherette?—

Vegan leatherette, フェイクレザーまたは合成皮革とも呼ばれます, is typically easier to clean compared to genuine leather. Here’s a simple method to clean vegan leatherette:

1. Prepare a cleaning solution: Mix a small amount of mild soap or liquid detergent with warm water. Make sure it’s not too concentrated.

2. Dampen a cloth: Dip a clean cloth sponge into the cleaning solution Wring it out well so that it is damp but not dripping.

3. Spot clean: Gently dab the soiled area of the vegan leatherette with the damp cloth. Avoid scrubbing vigorously, as it may damage the surface. If needed, you can lightly rub the cloth over the area in a circular motion.

4. Remove soap residue: After cleaning the spot, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away any soap residue.

5. Dry the material: Use another clean cloth or towel to blot the surface and remove excess moisture. Allow the vegan leatherette to air dry naturally. Avoid using a hairdryer or placing it near direct heat sources, as they can cause the material to deform.

Important tips:
Test in an inconspicuous area: Before applying the cleaning solution to the visible parts of the material, test it on an inconspicuous spot to ensure it doesn’t cause any unwanted effects like discoloration.

Avoid harsh cleaners: Harsh chemicals, アセトン, or solvents can damage vegan leatherette, so it’s best to stick to mild soap or detergent.

Regular maintenance: To keep your vegan leatherette in good condition, wipe away spills and stains as soon as they occur. Regularly dust or gently vacuum the material to remove any dirt or debris.

Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or care label for specific guidance on how to clean and maintain your vegan leatherette items, as different types of faux leather may have slightly different cleaning recommendations.



  • 配達前にすべての商品をチェックしますか? はい, 我々は持っています 100% 出荷前検査.
  • あなたの材料は環境に優しいですか? はい, 私たちの材料は環境に優しいです, バッグ用のハイエンドマイクロスエードビーガンスエードレザー素材.
  • 配達時間は何時ですか? 在庫のある商品に関しては発送可能です 1-5 日々. 大量生産の場合, およそで配達可能です 7-15 デポジットを受け取ってから数日後.
  • 要望に応じて厚さを変更できますか? はい. ニーズに応じてさまざまな厚さを開発できます.
  • カスタマイズされた製品やパッケージを作成できますか? 製品とパッケージのカスタマイズされたサービスを提供できます.


WINIW is located in the beautiful coastal city- 泉州市. We are an enterprise which sales for microfiber artificial leather. They are widely used for shoes garments, 家具, auto and bags. Since establishment, WINIW has developed rapidly.
