• 説明
  • 問い合わせ


Our nappa synthetic shoes leather is crafted from carefully selected materials and is designed to provide you with long-lasting comfort. It is permeable and effectively prevents moisture from entering the shoe, while it is breathable to keep the foot dry and comfortable.




良好な耐摩耗性, scratch and abrasion resistance on the surface of the nappa synthetic shoes leather, 剥がれたり色褪せたりしにくい.



Our nappa synthetic shoes leather is made with eco-friendly materials and advanced technology, 臭いがないことを保証するために厳密に処理および検査されています.



Since shoes need to get a balance between comfort and support, the leather with lightweight can reduce the overall weight of the shoe, より快適でより便利に着用できるようになります, reduces the burden during walking..


材料WINIW Nappa Synthetic Shoes Leather
組成55%ナイロン + 45% ポリウレタン
厚さ2.4んん, 2んん, 1.8んん, 1.6んん, 1.4んん, 1.2んん, 1.0んん, 0.8んん
54ビーガンレザー生地, 137CM
ブラック, ピンク, 白い, 赤, カスタマイズされた色
最小注文数量300 リニアメーター
リードタイム15-20 日々
生産能力1,000,000 毎月のメートル


  • 高品質の革. お客様に良い商品をお届けするために、厳選した高品質な革をご提供いたします。.
  • プロフェッショナルチーム. 私たちは皮革産業における深い知識と技術力を備えた経験豊富な専門チームを擁しています。.
  • アフターサービス. 優れたアフターサービスを提供します. お客様が製品を使用する過程で発生する問題にタイムリーに対処し、お客様の満足を確保します.
  • 環境意識. 私たちは環境保護に注意を払います, 生産工程において環境に優しいプロセスと材料を採用する, 持続可能な開発に取り組んでいます.

What is synthetic Nappa?

Synthetic Nappa is a type of artificial leather that is designed to mimic the look and feel of genuine Nappa leather. Nappa leather is a soft, high-quality leather made from the hides of sheep, 子羊, or goat. It is known for its smooth texture, 耐久性, and flexibility.

Synthetic Nappa is created using a combination of synthetic materials, typically polyurethane (PU) またはポリ塩化ビニル (塩ビ), to imitate the characteristics of genuine Nappa leather. The synthetic materials are processed and treated to achieve a similar texture, pliability, and appearance as real Nappa leather.

One of the benefits of synthetic Nappa is that it tends to be more affordable than genuine leather while still offering a similar look and feel. It is also often more resistant to stains and easier to maintain compared to real leather. しかしながら, it may not have the exact same breathability or aging characteristics as authentic Nappa leather.

Synthetic Nappa is commonly used as a sustainable and animal-friendly alternative to real leather in various products such as jackets, 手袋, バッグ, and footwear.



Winiw started the synthetic leather business a few years ago and reached several milestones along the way. ビジネスパートナーをお探しなら, we would be happy to make a self-introduction. We are specialized in microfiber leather and other leather industries. We also cooperate with strong factories to increase our brand presence. 製品が必要な場合, お気軽にお問い合わせください。温かいサービスを提供いたします!


