Apa microfiber luwih apik tinimbang kulit?

Apa microfiber luwih apik tinimbang kulit?

Kulit mikrofiber is much better than genuine leather. Wangun dermis ora teratur, kekandelan ora rata, lan lumahing asring luwih utawa kurang entheng utawa abot karo sawetara cacat alam. Lumahinge Gamelan lan rinci, lan sebagian besar dermis duwe pori-pori, lan liyane ndhuwur, sing luwih ketok . Gandum lan padhange permukaan kulit microfiber bakal luwih seragam lan biasa. And the texture of the microfiber leather will be more neat. The dermis is animal skin, so it will have a certain peculiar smell, or even some foul smell. Some dermis will be processed with some chemical substances, so heavy metals and formaldehyde tend to exceed the standard, which makes the dermis emit bursts of pungent odors. The microfiber leather tastes not so strong. WINIW Microfiber Kulit is No irritating smell, Eco-friendly, bebas logam abot, amara kulit suede sintetik kanggo golfs, Phthalates gratis, EU REACH compliant.

Furniture Upholstery Leather

Microfiber is a non-woven fabric made of microfiber short fibers through carding and needle punching to make a three-dimensional structure network, and then wet processing, impregnasi resin PU, reduction extraction, dermabrasi, dyeing and finishing and other processes to finally make microfiber leather. It is the addition of ultra-fine fibers to the PU polyurethane, kang luwih nambah kateguhan, permeabilitas udara lan tahan abrasi; wis resistance nyandhang banget banget, nanging padha ora nyandhang-tahan lan gampang kanggo break, permeabilitas hawa, nanging padha ora nyandhang-tahan lan gampang kanggo break. Due to the influence of the Animal Protection Association and the development of technology, the performance and application of microfiber polyurethane synthetic leather surpass that of natural leather.

  1. The microfiber leather is suitable for large-scale industrial production, and the feel and thickness can be customized according to customer needs. Product quality is stable and consistent. The raw material resources required to produce synthetic microfiber leather are extensive and stable, which can meet market demand.
  2. The weight of microfiber leather is lighter than real leather, and it does not have the inherent shortcomings of natural leather such as moth-eaten and mildew. Good acid resistance, alkali resistance, tahan banyu, lsp., no fading or discoloration problems.
  3. Compared with genuine leather, microfiber leather does not use animal leather. For those who do not like animal products, it is an excellent leather substitute!

Yen sampeyan pengin ngerti luwih lengkap babagan suede faux, situs web kita: www.MicrofiberLeather.com

Kulit Mikrofiber WINIW-Bahan Ganti Kulit sing paling apik!

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