Kulit Microfiber wis dadi Hot Spot Anyar kanggo Pangembangan Kulit Sintetis

Ing taun-taun pungkasan, ing tekanan saka kabijakan perlindungan lingkungan, perusahaan kulit sintetik substandard pangayoman lingkungan sing mboko sithik mati, ing wektu sing padha, kanthi pangembangan bahan anyar lan proses anyar, kompetisi pasar kulit sintetik dadi saya galak, backward production capacity is gradually eliminated, the current microfiber leather as the representative of artificial leather has both environmental protection, performance and price advantages, its development prospects are promising, become the development direction of synthetic innovation.

Tracing the development process of artificial leather technology, it can be divided into three generations: one is PVC (polivinil klorida) kulit gawean, the other is PU kulit sintetis, and the third is microfiber synthetic leather.

Low-end PVC leather contains chemical components that are more harmful to the human body (especially plasticizers, lsp.), and the VOC content is high, and it is only used in low-end bags, sepatu, balls and other fields. Synthetic leather originated in the 40s of last century after the large-scale application of polyurethane materials, with soft luster, soft feeling, strong leather feeling, good cold resistance and other advantages, widely used in clothing, furniture and high-end shoes fields.

WINIW microfiber synthetic leather, referred to as “kulit mikrofiber”, was developed on the basis of a full analysis of natural leather. Its production process is different from ordinary synthetic leather, and there is no peculiar smell during the production process. Tahan tahan nyandhang banget, luwih alus tinimbang kulit asli, breathability and aging resistance, and can almost perfectly replace high-grade genuine leather materials. The main applications include furniture, sandhangan, ball making, shoemaking, automotive interiors and other high-end leather consumer industries.

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