yaiku kulit microfiber anti banyu

Kulit microfiber anti banyu. Kulit microfiber bisa digawe anti banyu utawa non-anti banyu sajrone prosedur produksi. Bisa disesuaikan miturut kabutuhan pelanggan. Kulit buatan kasedhiya ing macem-macem bahan, Bahan PU utawa kulit microfiber. Dheweke bisa disesuaikan supaya anti banyu utawa ora miturut sarat sajrone produksi.

Kulit mikrofiber minangka produk sintetis sing padha karo tampilan lan rasane kulit lan bisa digunakake. Biasane digawe saka kain minangka dhasar, coated with synthetic resin and various plastics. There are mainly three types of PVC (polivinil klorida) kulit gawean, PU artificial leather and PU synthetic leather.

Microfiber leather is waterproof and can effectively resist the penetration of moisture. Mulane, whether it is raw materials of microfiber leather or finished products such as bags and shoes, they are less afraid of water. In this regard, it is stronger than genuine leather.

Microfibers are limited in terms of waterproofing as follows: the heat setting temperature of 100°C does not exceed 25 menit, the temperature of 120°C does not exceed 10 menit, and the temperature of 130°C does not exceed 5 menit. Mulane, the waterproof ability is still good. It can be washed with water, but it cannot be soaked for a long time.

When cleaning microfiber leather goods, it should be noted that the microfiber leather goods should not be washed with water too frequently. You can wipe the microfiber leather every day, banjur usap nganggo andhuk garing sing alus. Wipe it with a wet towel once a week. Remember not to pour too much water, as long as there is a little moisture. Various colors of microfiber leather, especially light-colored microfiber leather, will be dyed after a long time of use. It can be diluted with a cleaning solution such as detergent, soak with a towel in water and wipe the surface of the microfiber leather, then use the towel to dip a glass bottle ofsafe bleachto wipe off the dirt, and finally soak in water to wipe the surface of the microfiber leather with a towel clean.

Yen sampeyan pengin ngerti luwih lengkap babagan kulit Microfiber, situs web kita: www.MicrofiberLeather.com

Kulit Mikrofiber WINIW-Bahan Ganti Kulit sing paling apik!

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