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Kain Kulit Paten Sintetis Ijo Awet Kanggo Sepatu.


Instruksi produk:

WINIW Durable Green Synthetic Faux Patent Leather Fabric For Shoes is made of high-quality synthetic materials that look and feel like genuine leather. This fabric boasts a glossy finish that mimics the look of patent leather, making it a popular choice for making shoes, tas, and other fashion accessories. The vibrant green color adds a pop of color to any item made with this fabric. Our synthetic material is durable and easy to care for, making it a practical choice for creating long-lasting footwear.



Rincian Penting:

Materi: 100% sintetik, animal-friendly non-leather material.

Kekandelan: 0.8mm, 1mm, 1.2mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm, 1.8mm, 2mm.

Jembar: 54”, 137cm.

Werna: Ireng, Putih, Abang, Biru, Ijo, Kuning, Jambon, Mrico, warna sing disesuaikan.

Jumlah pesanan minimal: 300 meter linear.

Wektu timbal: 10-15 dina.

Kapasitas Produksi: 1,000,000 meter saben wulan.



Gambar Produk:



WINIW 5mm Synthetic Thick Vegan Leather Material Manufacturer

WINIW 5mm Vintage-Style Synthetic Thick Vegan Leather for Belts Supplier


Q: Is synthetic leather patent leather?

To put it simply, patent leather is a type of synthetic leather that has a shiny, mirror-like finish. It is often used in dress shoes, as it can make them look very polished and formal.



1. Q: Can you change the thickness according to our demand?
A: ya wis. we can develop different thickness for customers according to their usage.

2. Q: Apa sampeyan bahan kulit utawa kulit sintetis?
A: Kulit microfiber kita yaiku 100% bahan kulit sintetis.

3. Q: Kepiye babagan layanan sawise-sale?
A: We nyedhiyani layanan sawise-sale banget kanggo saben pesenan,ora preduli pesenan gedhe utawa pesenan cilik, sembarang masalah kita bakal njupuk tanggung jawab lan ngatasi kanggo sampeyan.


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