High Durability PU Vinyl Leather Material For Bags

High Durability PU Vinyl Leather Material For Bags

Are you looking for a durable and high-quality material for your bags? Look no further than PU vinyl leather! It can bring many benefits.

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High Durability PU Vinyl Leather Material For Bags


Key atrributes:


Материал: ПУ синтетикалық былғары

Қалыңдық: 2мм, 3мм, 3.5мм, 4мм, 5мм

Түсі: Қара, Dark Anthracite, Сұр, Бежевый, Шарап, Қызыл, реттелген түстер.

Ені: 1.37 метр.

Қаптама: орамды орау, 30/50 метр орамға.

MOQ: 300 түсі үшін метр.

Пайдалану: Making Bags

Ерекше өзгешеліктері: Су өтпейтін, Elastic, Зеңге қарсы, Үйкеліске төзімді, stain Resistant, Stretch, Water Resistant, Wrinkle Resistant

Қаптама: Export standard

MarketMiddle East/Africa/Asia/South America/Europe/North America

Шығу орны: Фуцзянь, Қытай

Ені: 1.4м

Салмағы: 500г/м2

Бренд атауы:WINIW


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Product features


1. Durable and Long-lasting: PU leather is a synthetic material that is designed to mimic the appearance and feel of genuine leather. Алайда, it is much more durable and long-lasting than genuine leather, which makes it an excellent choice for bags. PU leather bags can withstand wear and tear, and they are less likely to fade or crack over time.

2. Versatile: PU leather can be made in a wide range of colors and styles, which makes it a versatile material for bag design. It can be embossed, басылған, or stamped with different designs, patterns, and textures to create a variety of looks and styles.

3. Affordable: One of the greatest advantages of PU leather is that it is much more affordable than genuine leather. This makes it an excellent choice for budget-conscious shoppers who want a high-quality bag that won’t break the bank.

4. Easy to Clean: PU leather is easy to clean and maintain, which makes it an ideal choice for bags. It can be wiped clean with a damp cloth, and it is less likely to stain or absorb odors than genuine leather.

5. Water-resistant: PU leather is more water-resistant than genuine leather, which makes it an excellent choice for bags that may be exposed to rain or other moisture.

6. Жануарларға қолайлы: PU leather is a synthetic material that does not require the use of animals, making it a more ethical and environmentally-friendly choice for bag manufacturing.







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Are you looking for a durable and high-quality material for your bags? Look no further than PU vinyl leather! This material is perfect for creating bags that can withstand daily wear and tear, while still maintaining their stylish appearance. PU vinyl leather is resistant to scratches, tears, and stains, making it an ideal choice for those who want a long-lasting bag that looks great year after year. Not only is PU vinyl leather tough and resilient, but it also comes in a variety of colors and textures, so you can create a bag that expresses your unique style. Choose PU vinyl leather for your next bag project, and enjoy a beautiful and durable accessory that will last for years to come.





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A: Егжей-тегжейлі сұрауыңызды хабарлау үшін біздің арнайы қызметімізге хабарласыңыз, біз сізге тегін үлгі дайындаймыз. Алғаш рет ынтымақтастық үшін, пошта төлемі клиенттің шотында болады. After you place orders, біз шотымыз арқылы тегін үлгілерді жібереміз.

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A: Бізде әр қадамда кәсіби QC командасы бар, which well control your goods quality during all the mass production till shipping time. Сонымен қатар, we have very high responsible work staff. Біз сіз үшін тексеру қызметін жасай аламыз.




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