가정용 소파 가죽

Household 소파 가죽 quality that distinguish between the performance of one of the three elements See: 가볍고 섬세한 일반 소 가죽, 곡물 선명도. 핏구 스킨 가죽 러프, 광택이 약하다, 식별은 매우 간단합니다, 피부는 가볍고 부드럽습니다, 하지만 단점은 다른 가죽에 비해, 쇠가죽 채찍, 두 번째 요점은, 예를 들어, 피부가 약하기 때문에, 접합 가공 천은 종종 요구합니다, 아름다운 영향을 미치다, 그래서 가죽을 선택하는 데주의하십시오.

Household 소파 가죽 quality to distinguish the three elements of another Touch: most, people often think, processing skills good leather soft and delicate, stiffness harden conversely. Use hand to touch, have the experience, you also can know the whole piece of leather thickness uniform, to distinguish whether the cowhide can feel soft.

Household sofa leather quality to distinguish the three elements of a third Sit: according to the industry experience, excellent quality of leather sofa, every part of every link to elaborate design, according to the principle of human body engineering, 예를 들어: human hip, back can get better rely on; Was wonderfully, appearance beautiful, cushion lining with people sitting on it, the body feel very comfortable. If sit uncomfortable, even if again beautiful appearance, texture and high-grade, also is not applicable.

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