극세사 가죽 이중 색상 효과 처리는 어떻게 구현됩니까??

극세사 가죽의 생산과정에서, 우리는 때때로 그런 디자인을 가지고 있습니다, 그건, 두 가지 색상 효과가있을 것입니다. 그렇다면 이 효과는 어떤 과정을 거쳐? 이 프로세스의 기술 범주는 무엇입니까? 오늘 소개해드릴 질문은. 한 번 보자.
극세사 가죽의 2색 효과 처리는 염색 과정의 일부입니다., and we often adopt different processing technology according to the production requirements of different colors. To do this process, we first color the coating, then embossing, then lightly coat the raised parts with other colors, and then roll brightener or feel agent.

In the process of production, the color of the upper and lower layers is inconsistent, resulting in two-color effect. If not made of embossed leather, in the second layer of color material, the nozzle tilt spray, due to pigment water on the leather uneven distribution and color difference, in the light of the dual-color effect. Embossed leather, polishing leather can be made of twocolor effect.

극세사 가죽의 생산과정에서, we want to carry on the two-color processing of microfiber leather, the above is the process method of its use for you, I hope to be of certain help to you.

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