Quais são os materiais dos assentos de carro?

Ao comprar um carro, as pessoas sempre prestam mais atenção à decoração de interiores. Na decoração de interiores, o material dos assentos também pode mostrar o luxo da decoração interior. Então, que tipos de materiais os assentos de carro geralmente têm? Os bancos de couro são feitos de couro? Vamos dar uma olhada nisso.

Hoje em dia, most cars use faux leather seats. Os chamados assentos de couro sintético são feitos principalmente de dois materiais, one is Couro Sintético, o outro é couro de microfibra.
De um modo geral, pu artificial leather is used as the raw material of ordinary car seats. And artificial leather often has light spots and orange peel, which is not as natural and smooth as leather. Pu artificial leather is the skin of polyurethane, which can reduce the cost of car making. Although there are some shortcomings, today’s PU artificial leather has improved its performance and environmental protection, basically reaching the threshold of high quality and low price, and major manufacturers are also willing to choose PU materials.
The price of the other kind of microfiber leather is more expensive, which is more advanced than the ordinary PU artificial leather technology. Por exemplo, the seat leather used in some cars is called suede, which is a kind of super fiber leather. The price is not much cheaper than leather.



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