ගැනුම්කරු සම් පිළිබඳ දැනුම ප්‍රගුණ කළ යුතුය

සම්, bonded leather and කෘතිම සම්.

අමතර සටහන:


බැටළු සම්, ගව සම් යනු බැටළු හම් සහ සම් නිල පිරිවිතර මාතෘකාවේ ජාතික අවශ්‍යතා වේ!


ඒ, සම් යනු ගවයෙකි, බැටළුවන්, igs රන්, අශ්වයන්, මුවා, හෝ වෙනත් සතුන් මුල් සමෙන් ඉවතට, සම් පදම් කිරිමේ ක්‍රියාවලියෙන් පසුව, විවිධ ලක්ෂණ වලින් සාදා ඇත, ශක්තිය, දැනෙනවා, color and markings leather materials, නවීන සම් නිෂ්පාදනවල අවශ්ය තොරතුරු වේ. මේ අතර, කව්හයිඩ්, sheepskin and pigskin leather is used three leather material. Leather is divided into head layer and layer leather.


(1) the first layer of skin is a grain of cattle, බැටළුවන්, .රු, ආදිය., of the leather with natural scar and blood muscle scar, ආදිය., and occasionally the cuts in the process of machining and low utilization rate of the belly of parts, import of head skin and trace the serial number of the cattle. All full grain can from the thickness and pore density difference is due to what kind of animal leather. Cowhide sort is more, such as cow leather, ගව සම්, සම්, කව්හයිඩ්, grazing oxen, වාත්තු කළ ගොන් සම් සහ වාත්තු කළ ගොන් සම් නොවේ. In China there are cow hide, මී හරක් සඟවන්න, yak skin and zho skin, යනාදිය. මේ අතර, buffalo hide the pores of the thick and thin; Cow leather is a buffalo hide pore thin and thick. Skin pores are more fine and a little slope, there are mainly Sheep skins and goat two kinds big. Pigskin for hairy rule is 3 ~ 5 root a handful of scattered, එබැවින් එය වෙනස් කිරීම පහසුය, usually use pig skin of artificial breeding, and wild boar, famous South American wild boar, this kind of wild boar is of significant pig skin pores and grain characteristics of collagen fibers because of its special organization structure, can be processed into very soft leather garment leather or gloves, a high value. , ostrich leather, crocodile skin, short nose crocodile, lizard, snake skin, of bullfrog skin, seawater fish skin (there’s a shark skin, cod, SLATE cod croaker fishskin, eel skin skin, pearl skin, ආදිය.), fresh water fish skin (තණකොළ කාප් වැනි, carp skin scaly skin), hairy, නරියා, රිදී නරියා සම, නිල් නරියා, ආදිය.), වුල්ෆ් සම, dogskin, rabbit skin is easy to recognize, and cannot be made on the second floor.


Head skin is processed directly from the original skin of various animals, or the thicker cortex of animals such as cows, igs රන්, horses skin after hair removal cut into two layers, fibrous tissue tight upper others are processed into a variety of head skin.


(2) the second skin is relatively loose layer fiber organization, some chemical materials spraying or covering, පීවීසී, හැකිfilm.

Because of this, the differences between the first layer of skin and second skin a useful way to skin the longitudinal section of fiber density was investigated. By head skin is thick and thin fiber layer and its closely together slightly loose excessive layer together, කැපී පෙනෙන ශක්තියක් සහිතව, ප්රත්යාස්ථතාව සහ ප්ලාස්ටික් සහ අනෙකුත් ලක්ෂණ. 2 තන්තුමය පටකවල ලිහිල් සම ස්ථරය තරම් දිගු වේ, as long as after spraying chemical material or polishing ability used to make leather products, එය එහි ස්වාභාවික නම්‍යතාවය රඳවා තබා ගන්නා අතර ප්ලාස්ටික් තාක්‍ෂණයෙන් සමන්විත විය යුතුය, but strength is poorer, the head skin with the same thickness of demand.


And for now in manufacturing all kinds of leather, සම් සැකසුම් තාක්ෂණය වෙනස්, නමුත් වෙනස ක්රමය එකම වේ.


Next we introduced all kinds of leather processing oriented leather:


1, the water dyed leather:

Refers to the use of cattle, බැටළුවන්, igs රන්, අශ්වයන්, deer head skin bleaching and all sorts of color, such as the drum broke loose, and polishing and processing all kinds of soft skin.


2, pearl skin:

, also known as film leather, along the spine in half, and repair to the belly of loosely knit and some of the limbs open side of the first layer of leather or second leather, laminating various net in its appearance color, metal color, jade-like stone light pearl color, colorful two-color or polychromatic PVC film.


3, තීන්ත:

Second crust spraying various chemical material calender or extinction after processing of leather.


4, face:

Is low head skin billet, appearance for polishing treatment, grinding to the appearance of scars and blood muscle scar, with a variety of popular color skin after plasma spraying, pressed into the skin of the grain or smooth effect.


5, කාවද්දන ලද සම්:

Usually choose face or edge bead skin to suppress various stripes or picture. උදාහරණ වශයෙන්, copy crocodiles, කටුස්සන්, ostrich skin lines, snake skin, water ripple, the bark of beautiful grain, litchi, imitation deer lines, ආදිය., along with a variety of stripes and plaids, three-dimensional picture or reflect a variety of brand image design drawings, යනාදිය.


6, printed or pyrograph skin:

Material with embossed leather is the same, just different processing technology, is printing or hot flipping into various stripes or picture first or second skin.


7, භාවිතා කරයි:

Will be polished leather surface disposal and grain scar or coarse fiber abrasion, show neat all embellish leather fibre after dyed a variety of popular colors and become the first or second leather.


8, velvet skin:

Also called Jing skin, is the crust appearance burnish cloth with soft nap, then dyed out all kinds of popular color and skin.


9, laser skin:

Also called laser skin, cite laser technology in leather surface etching stripes pictures of the latest varieties of leather.


Bonded leather: the various animal fee leather and leather scraps from damage, distribution of chemical material processing. පෙනුම සැකසීමේ තාක්ෂණය සම් මුහුණට සමාන වේ, embossed leather එක සමානයි, its characteristic is the skin edges is neat, utilization rate is high, මිල සුදුසු වේ; නමුත් සම සාමාන්යයෙන් ඝනයි, ශක්තිය වඩාත් දුප්පත් ය, බෑගය, සැරයටි බෑග්, සමානාත්මතා සමාජ ශාලාවල භාණ්ඩ කට්ටලයක් සහ දැරිය හැකි පටි නිෂ්පාදනය සඳහා පමණක් සුදුසු වේ, finalize the design technologies such as the longitudinal section fibrous tissue uniform, distinguishable recognize liquid hybrid fiber coagulation effect.


සම් සෝෆා නඩත්තු කිරීම පිළිබඳ දැනුම ඉගෙන ගැනීමට පහත සඳහන් දෑ සමඟ, කෘතිම සම්, අනුකරණ සම් හෝ රබර් ලෙසද හැඳින්වේ, PVC සහ PU යනු කෘතිම දත්තවල තට්ටුවයි, හා මයික්‍රෝ ෆයිබර් is the highest quality artificial leather. එය රෙදිපිළි නාලය හෝ වියන ලද පදනම මත වේ, PVC සහ PU ෆෝම් හෝ ලැමිෙන්ටින් සැකසුම් නිෂ්පාදනයේ විවිධ සූත්‍රගත කිරීම් මගින්, විවිධ ශක්තිය අනුව කළ හැකිය, ඇඳීමට-ප්රතිරෝධී, සීතල ප්රතිරෝධී උපාධි සහ වර්ණය හා දීප්තිය, pattern drawing and other requirements processing, has a wide variety of design and color, good waterproof function, පෙනුම පිළිවෙලට තබා ගන්න, ඉහළ උපයෝගිතා අනුපාතය සහ සාපේක්ෂව ලාභ සැබෑ සම් ලක්ෂණ ලබා දෙයි, but the vast some artificial leather, එහි හසුරුව සහ ඉලාස්ටික් සැබෑ සම් ආචරණය විය නොහැක; එහි කල්පවත්නා කොටස, ඔබට සිහින් බුබුලු සිදුරක් දැකිය හැකිය, cloth base or the surface of thin film and dry dry artificial fiber. එය කලින් සිට සෑම විටම දක්වා ඉතා ජනප්රිය දත්ත වර්ගයකි, සියලු වර්ගවල සම් නිෂ්පාදන නිෂ්පාදනය සඳහා භාවිතා වේ, or some leather material. එය නිෂ්පාදන තාක්ෂණය වැඩි වැඩියෙන් ප්රමුඛ වේ, දෙවන මහලේ සම් සැකසුම් සහ නිෂ්පාදනය සඳහා බහුලව භාවිතා වේ.


Especially pay attention to:


අද, very characteristics of genuine leather artificial leather in a growing, එහි පෙනුම තාක්ෂණය තන්තුමය පටක අන්ත, සම්භාණ්ඩ භූමිකාව වෙත ළඟා විය හැකිය, its offer and domestic head skin.

The head of the buffalo hide layers of leather, floor leather, bonded leather how difference?

Head skin is exterior layer of the dermis, the first layer of skin is relatively thin some offer high, make furniture comfortable and soft. Usually the first layer is more than 10 yuan a square foot every one. Below the layer of the skin is on the second floor leather. Second floor leather cheaper, more hard, see on the market is very much also, usually on the second floor leather 4-6 yuan a square foot.

Head skin and second floor leather, තන්තු ඝනත්වයේ සම් කල්පවත්නා කොටස විමර්ශනය කරන ලදී. By head skin is thick and thin fiber layer and its closely together slightly loose excessive layer together; 2 තන්තුමය පටකවල ලිහිල් සම ස්ථරය තරම් දිගු වේ, spraying chemical material or polishing processing.

Will relax after half leather, wrinkles immediately unseen is cowhide, wrinkles unseen is not bonded leather


Leather to identify common sense


1: to identify the real leather

ස්පර්ශ කරන්න:

Use hand touch leather appearance, සුමට වැනි, මෘදුයි, පූර්ණ හා ප්‍රත්‍යාස්ථ හැඟීම් සැබෑ සම් ය; And usually artificial synthetic leather surface hair dry, dull, මෘදු බව.


Real leather surface has the clear hair also, සලකුණු, ගව සම් වල සිදුරු වල සමමිතිය ඇත, yak skin has the thick and thin pores, the pores of goat skin has been designed.


Any genuine leather has the smell of leather; The artificial leather has excitant strong plastic smell.


From real leather and artificial leather the reverse side tore off a little fiber, after burning, who announced the blunt nose smell, forming a knot in one’s artificial leather; Announced any hair smell, does not produce hard bumps is genuine leather.


2, identify artificial leather and synthetic leather

With the above four fundamental recognition method, in order to distinguish artificial leather, කෘතිම සම්, mutatis mutandis, understand and clear. වෙනත්, artificial leather and synthetic leather has the following features:


1, press with finger leather surface, there is no significant pores, wrinkles, such as pressure after the wrinkles, nor significant natural.

2, no pores, සම්, this is one of the important characteristics distinguish true and false leather.

3, cut corners burning, relish, but not a hair of coke smell.

3, how difference leather cattle, pig leather, horsehide and sheep leather

The type of leather is not the same, its features and USES are different. The cow leather is fine, උදාහරණයක් වශයෙන්, ඉහළ ශක්තිය, the most suitable for manufacturing leather shoes, සම් භාණ්ඩ; Sheep leather light, thin and soft, it is the ambition of leather garment fabric; Pig leather breathable moisture permeability function is better.

Pig leather:

Leather looks round and bulky pore, a skewed into leather. Pore is put to a set of three root, leather surface rendering pictures of many small triangle,


Leather cattle:

Cow leather and buffalo leather are called leather cattle, but both also have certainly different. Cattle leather appearance of pores and rounded, straight into leather, strict and uniform pore, put irregular, like the stars. Buffalo leather appearance than cattle leather bulky pore, pore number relatively sparse cattle leather, leathery is loose, as detailed full cow leather.



MAO also oval leather appearance, slightly bigger than a cow leather pores, put more rules.


බැටළු සම්:

Leather grain of the oval pore, pore is clear, a few root constitute a group, is designed.


Cow skin layers can be cut (at most) can be divided into 8 layer the head the outermost layer of skin, the best quality, second to second floor skin, its strength, elasticity and permeability are not as good as the first layer leather. Car seat is necessary to choose the head skin. Now on the market to sell a composite skin is skin appearance with a layer of film on the second floor, exquisite appearance, looks like the skin, some businessmen to pretend to head skin, fraud users, should pay attention to identify.


මෙම ලිපිය බෙදා ගන්න