නව ශාක සම් ද්‍රව්‍ය හඳුන්වාදීම

ඩෙසර්ටෝ – පතොක්

ඩෙසර්ටෝ, මෙක්සිකානු ආරම්භයක්, යනු ඉහළ තිරසාර පිරිසිදු සම් නිර්මාණය කිරීම සඳහා කැප වූ ජෛව ද්‍රව්‍ය සමාගමකි. ආරම්භකයින් වූයේ Adrian Lopez Velarde සහ Marte Cázarez ය. ඔවුන් මීට පෙර ගෘහ භාණ්ඩවල සේවය කර ඇත, මෝටර් රථ සහ විලාසිතා කර්මාන්ත. සම්වලින් සිදුවන බරපතළ පරිසර දූෂණය දැකීමෙන් පසුවය, ඔවුන් ඉල්ලා අස්වීමට සහ සම් වෙනුවට ද්රව්ය සොයා බැලීමට තීරණය කළහ.
ජූලි මාසයේදී 2019, desserto developed a new material that can replace leather with cactus and named it desserto. This kind of cactus leather has the characteristics of soft touch, good elasticity and good air permeability. It can replace almost any animal skin.
The production process is not complicated. පලමු, harvest the mature cactus, clean it, mash it, and dry it in the sun for three days; Secondly, it is ground to powder state through machining; අවසාන, non-toxic chemicals and biological pigments are added and mixed to obtain textured leather like materials.



Mycoworksmushroom mycelium

It is also committed to developing new biological materials to replace leather. The difference is that mycoworks chooses to use mycelium.
Mycoworks was founded by Philip Ross and Sophia yah in 2013 and is headquartered in California, USA. MycoWorks pioneered the Fine Mycelium technology, which uses highly controlled pallet based systems in the mycelial cell growth process to create tightly wound and solid three-dimensional structures. අතිරෙකව, mycelia naturally form a solid foam during growth and compress them to obtain leather like materials.
Reishi is the first natural material manufactured by this technology. Its quality and performance are comparable to the best animal leather, with lower impact on the environment and higher customization freedom.
In the spring of 2021, mycoworks announced the launch of a new productmushroom bagin cooperation with Hermes, and then ushered inan open and hanging lifeand won the preference of heavy capital.
එය සම් ද ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණය කරන ලද සම් ද යන්න බාහිර පුද්ගලයන්ට වෙන්කර හඳුනා ගැනීම දුෂ්කර ය, mycoworks has experienced six rounds of financing, raising a total of $187 මිලියන. The latest round of round C financing was conducted on January 12, 2022, raising US $125 මිලියන, led by prime movers lab. The funds raised will be used to start the first comprehensive fine mycelium production plant to meet the growing demand for the company’s materials.



Fruit leatherabandoned mango
Fruit leather, a Dutch innovation company, developed plant leather from discarded mangoes. Its founders were Koen and Hugo, who graduated from dekuning School of design.
Their entrepreneurship originated in Rotterdam, the largest market in the Netherlands. There are a wide range of fruits here, and a large amount of waste food will be produced every day, such as over cooked mangoes, crushed nectarines and so on. එබැවින්, they collect the waste fruit, remove the seeds and crush it, then cook it, mix it with adhesive, pour it into a large tray, and carry out air drying, coloring, embossing and other processes to make full plain leather. After many experiments, they finally found that mango peel was the most suitable material.
In March 2020, fruitleather cooperated with London fashion brand luxtra to launch the first mango pure leather bag.
In today’s world, there is an increasing shortage of resources. කෙසේ වුවද, human beings all over the world throw away 1.3 billion tons of food every year and kill more than 1 billion animals for leather production. Koen and Hugo, the founders, believe thatthe combination of fruit and leather can fundamentally change the world polluted by animal leather”.


Beyond leather materialsApple waste

Beyond leather, තුළ පිහිටුවන ලදී 2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark, uses the waste after apple juice to create plant leatherleap.
Leap consists of Apple waste mixture, finishing and textile backing. It is made by mixing Apple waste with natural rubber, coating it on the textile backing woven by organic cotton and wood fiber, and finally coating it with a layer derived from a small amount of fossil fuel to form a three-layer structure to ensure durability and sustainability.
It is estimated that 3million tons of Apple waste will be produced in the world every year. Beyond leather produces plant leather based on the surplus apple residue from the production of apple pulp, fruit wine and other products. The material is close to animal leather in appearance and feel, and can be naturally degraded. It can reduce environmental pollution and food waste, and provide you with a more fashionable and healthy leather choice.
Beyond leather means surpassing leather. The founders Hannah and Mikael believe that the future of leather will be based on plants.
එය තුනෙන් අවම වශයෙන් භාවිතා වේ, leap is made of 80% bio based components. It is expected to have 99% bio based coatings by 2023 හා 100% biodegradable without leaving traces by 2024.


Ananas ANAMPineapple leaves
Ananas ANAM was founded in London in 2013 and created plant leather piatex with Pineapple leaves as raw materials. The founder is Dr. Carmen hijosa. She has many years of animal leather product design background and once served as an industry consultant. Carmen visited the Philippines in the 1990s and was shocked by the impact of large-scale leather production and chemical tanning on the environment. එම අවස්ථාවේදී ම, she noticed that the fiber structure of Pineapple leaves was very suitable for making leather substitutes.
Carmen then left the traditional leather manufacturing industry and spent seven years studying textiles. තුළ 2014, Carmen, 62, received a doctorate in textile from the Royal Academy of Arts in London and developed pineapple leaf fiber into a patented product piatex.
Piatex does not contain harmful chemicals or animal products. එය මෘදුයි, firm, හුස්ම ගත හැකි, light and flexible. It is also easy to print and dye. It can be easily cut, sewn, embossed and embroidered to meet the design finishes of shoes, බෑග්, cars and so on.
There are seven major processes to make piatex: collecting Pineapple leaves into bundlesextracting long fibers with semi-automatic machinewashing and dryingpurifying and removing impurities to form fluffy materialsadding corn based polylactic acid (PLA) to make piafeltfinishingcoloring, දිය කාන්දු නොවන, resin finish coating, යනාදිය.
එය තුනෙන් අවම වශයෙන් භාවිතා වේ, piatex has been used by more than 1000 brands in more than 80 countries / regions, including hugo boss, එච් &ඇම්පියර්; M and Hilton Bankside. Carmen’s ultimate vision is to build a more sustainable future that connects people, the environment and the economy.
Under the trend of a community with a shared future for mankind, sustainable development has become the consensus of people all over the world. People’s awareness of environmental protection is gradually enhanced, and plant leather may become a more favored choice for consumers. According to the prediction of infinite global analysts, the market scale of vegetable leather will reach US $89.6 billion in 2025, and the Asian market will become the leader of the industry

මෙම ලිපිය බෙදා ගන්න