Aký druh tkaniny je koža z mikrovlákna?

What kind of fabric is koža z mikrovlákna? Vlastnosti kože z mikrovlákna, microfiber leather is a high-tech artificial leather fabric, ktorý je vyrobený z ostrovčekového ultrajemného nylonového vlákna a vysoko kvalitnej polyuretánovej živice, a je zdokonalený množstvom špičkových technológií. It is currently relatively popular in the world.

Microfiber leather has the advantages of tear resistance, odolnosť proti oderu, pevnosť v ťahu, atď., and surpasses genuine leather. vlakové a autosedačky, it is also cold-resistant, odolný voči kyselinám, and colorfast; it is light in weight, mäkké a priedušné, smooth and feels good; neat and wear-free The cut surface has the environmental protection features of antibacterial, proti plesniam, moth proof, a bez škodlivých látok. Ide o ekologický produkt 21. storočia. Because of its easy cutting, vysoká miera využitia, ľahké čistenie, no peculiar smell, and good environmental protection, it is currently widely used in the production of shoes, batožinu, nábytok, car accessories, odevy, balenie, electronic and digital industries and other products’s favorite.
V súčasnosti, the audience of microfiber leather is relatively high, and the performance of many products has been recognized by consumers. From all aspects, microfiber leather is better than leather, which is also the biggest difference between the two.

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