Breathable PU Artificial Vegan Leather For Shoe Lining


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Our PU artificial vegan leather is crafted from high-quality materials and are designed to provide you with long-lasting comfort and foot support. It’s finely treated to breathe and absorb moisture to keep your feet dry and comfortable at all times.




We use advanced materials and processes to ensure that the fiber structure of the PU artificial vegan leather supports air flow and provides good breathability for all-day comfort.

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Our PU artificial vegan leather is made with eco-friendly materials and advanced technology, a sú prísne ošetrené a kontrolované, aby sa zabezpečilo, že nebude cítiť zápach.



WINIW sa silne zameriava na udržateľnosť, a používame materiály a výrobné procesy šetrné k životnému prostrediu, aby sme znížili náš vplyv na životné prostredie a prispeli k ochrane životného prostredia.

technické údaje

Názov značkyWINIW
materiálWINIW PU Artificial Vegan Leather
zloženie55%nylon + 45% polyuretán
hrúbka0.6mm, 0.7mm, 0.8mm
šírka54“, 137cm
farbašedá, prispôsobené farby
Minimálna objednávka300 lineárne metre
Dodacia lehota15-20 dni
Výrobná kapacita1,000,000 metrov mesačne
PoužitePodšívka topánok
Miesto pôvoduČína


  • Profesionálny tím. Máme skúsený profesionálny tím s hlbokými znalosťami a technickou silou v kožiarskom priemysle.
  • Rozmanitosť. Our leather covers the needs of different areas, ako je nábytok, automobilové interiéry, leather products and more. We will continue to provide high quality leather to meet the needs of our customers.
  • Zabezpečenie kvality. Máme pokročilé riadenie, kompletné testovacie zariadenie, a zavádza komplexný systém manažérstva kvality. Kvalita našich produktov je naďalej vynikajúca.
  • Environmentálna uvedomelosť. Dbáme na ochranu životného prostredia, adopt sustainable production processes and eco-friendly materials, and provide customers with green choices.

Why use vegan leather?

There are several reasons why people choose to use vegan leather:

1. Bez krutosti: Vegan leather is made without the use of animal products or by-products, which is appealing to those who want to avoid supporting animal cruelty in the fashion industry.

2. Sustainability: Some vegan leathers are made from materials like recycled plastics or plant-based materials, making them more environmentally friendly compared to traditional leather production, which requires raising and slaughtering animals.

3. Versatility: Vegan leather can replicate the look and feel of real leather, offering a wide range of options in terms of colors, textúry, and finishes. It can be used in various fashion items like shoes, sáčky, bundy, a príslušenstvo.

4. Trvanlivosť: High-quality vegan leathers are designed to be durable and long-lasting, providing a similar level of strength and resilience as traditional leather.

5. Údržba: Vegan leather is often easier to care for and clean compared to genuine leather. It may require less specialized maintenance and can be wiped clean with a damp cloth.

O nás

WINIW is a professional synthetic supplier from China. We supply all kinds of synthetic leather such as microfiber PU leather, microfiber artificial leather and so on. Môžete sa o nás dozvedieť viac. Maybe we will be business partners in the future. If you have any question about our products, please feel free to contact us!



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