Hayvan pişmiş deri, kimyasal elyaf torbalar olağan bakım

Hayvan pişmiş deri, kimyasal elyaf çanta düzenleyen hayvan genellikle pişmiş deri çanta: 1. Islak olduktan sonra, kuruduktan sonra kasvetli ve soğuk bir yerde yakalamak için yumuşak bir bezle silin.. 2. Hayvan derisinden vurgulandığında eller kirlendiğinde, please special dirt separator. But because some run out rub off work situation, such as it is necessary to implement without visible first try, Lütfen. Ayrıca, because of the glue water animal cooked skin decontamination device cannot be used, so please use dry clean or rubber. 3. In order to prevent skin membrane is damaged, rub off comprised, please avoid using fuel, such as banana water ethanol solvent and whole washing in the water. 4. The director keep cooked skin actually had the characteristics of the animal, will emerge because of the rain or friction of rub off, dirty clothes, vb. Of animal cooked leather bags: 1. Dry with a dry cloth to wipe hands dirty and oily stains. 2. A glass of water to add 2-3 drops of household neutral detergent to amalgamation, bubble in the water after dry with soft cloth graze. Then in the gloomy and cold place Again dry dry brush. 3. Because of the animal cooked skin thought suitable material and using molecular conjugation, perennial use peeling phenomenon will emerge after degradation. 4. Because of the damage to hand.

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