Утримання шкіри з поліуретану

Polyurethane leather is more easily cleaned than normal leather, і цього достатньо для щоденного догляду та слабо забруднених поверхонь.
Намочіть тканину або губку у воді і витріть поверхню. Вам захочеться використовувати теплу воду. Витираючи таким чином, вийде пил, dirt and other debris.
Use a bar of soap on tougher grime. Whether dealing with a stain or dirt that’s been rubbed in, simple water might not be sufficient. Use unscented soap to ensure no chemicals or possible residue will affect the leather. Rub the bar on the tougher grime.
You can also use liquid soap or a dish detergent for this step.
Wipe away any soap with a wet cloth. Wipe thoroughly until the surface is completely clear of soap. Leaving the soap on the surface could damage it.
Let the surface dry. If you’re cleaning an article of clothing, you can hang it to dry. If dealing with furniture, simply make sure no one sits on or touches it until it’s thoroughly dried.
You can wipe your surface down with a dry cloth to speed the drying process.
WINIW PU microfiber leather is PU (поліуретан) coated microfiber synthetic leather, - це високоякісна синтетична шкіра, best quality PU leather and faux leather.



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