ما هي كراسي السيارة الجلدية المصنوعة?

عادة ما تحتوي مواد الكرسي الجلدي للسيارة على جلد وجلد محاكاة, بالعامية, واحد هو جلد الحيوان, والآخر جلد غير حيواني. الجلد هو بالتأكيد أغلى من الجلد المقلد, لأن الجلد مصنوع بشكل عام من جلد البقر, جلد الغنم وجلد الخنزير, only high-grade cars have leather seats before, and now a lot of car seats have leather and imitation leather, بالتاكيد, there is a difference between the two.
Car owners are familiar with all aniline leather, semi-aniline leather and napa leather, among which napa leather is often seen as a symbol of high-end leather. في الحقيقة, napa leather is not the name for leather, but the tanning process of softening leather. This leather breathes fine and wears well. So what are the advantages of these expensive leather seats?
(1) Dirty
Leather is less likely to stain than ordinary seat materials, and there is only a little dust when no one sits for a long time.
(2) Show Class
لا شك أن المقاعد الجلدية أكثر أناقة من المقاعد المصنوعة من القماش أو المواد الأخرى. Look back a decade or so, and leather seats were found almost exclusively in luxury imported cars.
(3) سهلة التنظيف
In contrast to fabric seats, dust can only fall on the surface of leather seats, not deep into the depths of the seat, so you can clean with a dab of cloth, or use a natural environmental cleaner to wipe stains, seat immediately look new.

The characteristic of imitation leather seat lies in the surface is smooth and exquisite, and the pattern part concave and convex has sent, density is very fine. The surface of leather seat is rough, concave convex feeling is deep, intuitive will give a person a kind of heavy sense.
Leather seats vary in quality and price, from hundreds to tens of thousands, and that’s just one layer of leather, followed by a series of physical and chemical processes, tanning, إلخ. Think of it this way, leather seats are more expensive or reasonable. Leather seats are usually only used in luxury cars because they enhance the overall quality of the car and make it more expensive.

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