Sabit ada mikrofiberi ilə sabit olmayan ada mikrofiberi arasındakı fərq

The difference between the fixed Island microfiber and the indefinite Island microfiber. Hal hazırda, Çindəki sabit ada və ya qeyri-müəyyən ada mikrofiberlərinin əksəriyyəti süet mikrofiberə yönəldilmişdir. Süet mikrofiber kaplama mikrofiberdən fərqlidir. It is made of pure microfiber into the base cloth and then made by softening, dyeing and polishing. Buna görə, the different processes for producing microfiber have a decisive impact on its performance.
Ümumiyyətlə, fixed Island microfibers have more stable performance and stronger color fastness than non fixed Island microfibers, so they are more suitable for applications requiring quality.
Əlbəttə, there is a big difference in price. Adətən, a standard width of one meter of fixed Island suede microfiber will cost 10-20 yuan more than that of non fixed Island suede microfiber. Buna görə, manufacturers should make reasonable choices according to their own application requirements and cost control.

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