Mikrofiber dəri prosedurunun nə olduğunu bilirsinizmi??

mikrofiber dəri haqqında hamımız bilirik,amma mikrofiber dəri prosedurunun prosedurunu bilirsinizmi??Qoy deyim!

Mikrofiber dəri, mikrofiber materialları müxtəlif kimyəvi maddələr və polimerlərlə birləşdirərək hazırlanmış sintetik dəri materialıdır.. It is a popular alternative to traditional leather because it is more sustainable, sərfəli, and easier to maintain.

The process of making microfiber leather involves several steps. Here is a brief overview of the procedure:

1. Making the microfiber base material: The microfiber material is made by mixing polyester and nylon fibers together. This mixture is then spun into a fine thread and woven into a fabric.

2. Preparing the base material: The microfiber fabric is then treated with various chemicals to make it more durable and resistant to wear and tear.

3. Coating the fabric: Once the fabric is prepared, it is coated with a layer of polyurethane (İB). This coating gives the fabric its leather-like appearance and texture.

4. Embossing: The microfiber leather is then embossed with a pattern to give it a more realistic look and feel. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as heat embossing or hot stamping.

5. Bitirmə: Nəhayət, the microfiber leather is finished with additional chemicals to make it water-resistant and stain-proof. This makes it easier to clean and maintain over time.

Ümumilikdə, the process of making microfiber leather is complex but results in a high-quality material that is more sustainable and cost-effective than traditional leather. With its many benefits, it is no wonder that microfiber leather has become a popular choice among consumers and manufacturers alike.

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