Imitation Microsuede Leather Fabric For Automotive Interiors

Imitation Microsuede Leather Fabric For Automotive Interiors

1.Qırışa davamlı.

2.Nəfəs alma qabiliyyəti.

3.Yanğın gecikdirici.

  • Təsvir
  • Sorğu


Bizim yüksək səviyyəli istehsal üsullarımız davamlı olaraq üstün keyfiyyətə imkan verir. Davamlılığı və vahid teksturası ilə, WINIW imitation microsuede leather is ideal for car interiors.


Qırışa davamlı.Nəfəs alma qabiliyyəti.Yanğın gecikdirici.
Through the selection of high-quality materials and advanced technology, our imitation microsuede leather is able to remain smooth and wrinkle-resistant, maintaining a neat, stylish appearance during use.Breathable leather makes the skin feel more comfortable and reduces sweat retention. Əlavə olaraq, the breathability helps to avoid the growth of bacteria and keeps the cars hygienic.Our imitation microsuede leather is highly flame retardant and resistant to burns, providing greater safety and reliability to ensure the safety and comfort of customers.


Brend adıməhbus
MaterialWINIW Imitation Microsuede
Tərkibi55% Neylon + 45% Poliuretan
Qalınlığı1.2mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm
Genişlik137sm, 54”
RəngQara, Boz, xüsusi rənglər
Minimum Sifariş Miqdarı300 xətti metr
Qurğuşun vaxtı15-20 günlər
İstehsal həcmi1,000,000 metr aylıq
istifadə edinAvtomobil interyerləri
Mənşə yeriFujian, Çin



Keyfiyyət təminatı. Mütərəqqi menecmentimiz var, tam sınaq avadanlığı, və hərtərəfli keyfiyyət idarəetmə sistemini tətbiq edir. Its product quality continues to be excellent.

Reliable supply chain. We have established a stable and reliable supply chain to ensure timely delivery and continuous supply.

Peşəkar komanda. Dəri sənayesində dərin biliyə və texniki gücə malik təcrübəli peşəkar komandamız var.

Reliable reputation and long-term cooperation . We pay attention to integrity and credibility, and have established a stable cooperative relationship in many years of operation, and have won the trust and support of customers.

Is suede imitation leather?

Microfiber suede is a type of imitation suede that is made from ultra-fine microfibers, typically composed of polyester or a blend of polyester and polyurethane. It is designed to closely mimic the look and feel of genuine suede leather, but without using animal products.

Microfiber suede is known for its softness, durability and ability to repel water and stains. It is also more affordable and easier to maintain compared to genuine suede. Microfiber suede is widely used in various applications, including upholstery, footwear and accessories.

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