Silver Microfiber Leather Fabric Imitation PU Shoes Material


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-Təqdimat -

Our imitation PU shoes material is made from carefully selected raw materials to ensure optimum comfort and durability. Not only does it provide adequate foot support and cushioning, but it also has good breathability to keep your feet dry and comfortable at all times.

— Spesifikasiyalar—

Brend adıməhbus
MaterialWINIW Imitation PU Shoes Material
Tərkibi50% Neylon + 50% Poliuretan
Qalınlığı2.4mm, 2mm, 1.8mm, 1.6mm, 1.4mm, 1.2mm, 1.0mm, 0.8mm
Genişlik54”, 1.37 m
RəngGümüş, Çəhrayı, Ağ, Qırmızı, xüsusi rənglər
Minimum Sifariş Miqdarı300 xətti metr
Qurğuşun vaxtı15-20 günlər
İstehsal həcmi1 ayda milyon metr
istifadə edinShoes upper
Mənşə yeriQuanzhou, Fujian, Çin


  • Qoxusuz. Our imitation PU shoes material is made with eco-friendly materials and advanced technology, and is strictly treated and screened to ensure no odor.
  • Yüksək davamlıdır. Good abrasion resistance, scratch and abrasion resistance on the surface of the imitation PU shoes material, not easy to peel and fade.
  • Özelleştirilebilir. Onun qalınlığı, rəng, toxuması, parça bazası, səth və keyfiyyət xüsusiyyətləri müştərilərin ehtiyaclarına uyğun olaraq fərdiləşdirilə bilər.

—Is PU material waterproof?—

İB (poliuretan) material is not inherently waterproof, but it does have water-resistant properties. PU is a synthetic material that is commonly used as a coating for various products, geyim də daxil olmaqla, ayaqqabı, və aksesuarlar.

The water resistance of PU material is due to its unique properties and manufacturing process. It is created by applying a layer of PU coating to a fabric or material. This coating helps to create a barrier that repels water and prevents it from easily passing through the material.

Lakin, it’s important to note that the water resistance of PU material is not absolute. Əlavə vaxt, the coating can wear off or become less effective, diminishing its ability to repel water. əlavə olaraq, PU material may have seams, zippers, or other areas that are not coated, making them more susceptible to water penetration.

To maintain the water resistance of PU material, it’s generally advisable to follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. This may include avoiding excessive exposure to moisture, using appropriate cleaning methods, and applying waterproofing products designed for use with PU materials.

— Tətbiqlər—

— Tez-tez verilən suallar—

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