Le style de vêtements en similicuir vogue est nouveau et plus léger

Le cuir est fait de fibres de polyuréthane et de polyester et d'autres fibres chimiques de traitement et de simili cuir texture des matériaux.


À première vue, et produits en cuir sans veste ni jupe, mais en fait, cela est fait de traitement chimique des fibres, similaire à la texture du cuir du cuir artificiel en tissu, ce genre de tissu en raison de sa texture légère, bref entretien et devenir populaire matériel de vêtements d'extérieur.


Roman de mode de style de vêtements en similicuir Et plus léger


En général, than have heavy feeling more lightsome wear leather, the price also cheap. Recently because of the progress of science and technology, artificial leather also more and more close to general leather in nature.


This spring of Europe and the United States held 2012 ~ 13 years autumn winter fashion show, many brands have announced the elegance of leather clothing, by the impact, in stores, finished leather and artificial leather products side by side show on the shelf.


Of finished product, for instance, giants sanyang chamber of commerce (Tokyo) brandlejournew jacket (20000, 4150 yen). Although soft cloth like real suede, but in fact is 100% made of polyester fiber, light and flexible at the same time. Match the skirt GeTongKuan (10000, 3650 yen), will build a spell able temperament.


Mackintoshphilosophy orange breeches under same club banners (10000, 5750 yen) is made with polyester fiber, but looks almost the same and suede leather. Breeches with fine about trade-offs, and with a striped sweater deployment is very appropriate.


Artificial leather very short processing, also can make various kinds of new planning. Young people very popular brand in the navy. Send thin s warm jacket (20000, 7300 yen), the sleeve and the back of some fabric in the artificial leather raw materials, this jacket is characterized by the activities of the balloon, three kinds of color is the color of camel’s hair, navy, noir.


Artificial leather usual maintenance is also very short, and even can be washed by hand in our brief products. Feather your salt field of the three Yang chamber of commerce, said that in the first quarter and the use of artificial leather product variety, waiting to modulate their common character to consumers.


With a piece of color, different before and after the planning of a skirt (10000, 9950 yen) is also well-regarded, after the color of camel’s hair before there are black, the former black piece navy after two to choose from. Like any kind of colour film before and after color jacket, will show the elegant air. Settlement of shinjuku takashimaya navy. The manager miss fujita pupil said, very waiting for this more lightsome material lead fashionable tide than leather.

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