Terminologi Kulit

1.Perawatan kulit
Prosedur reresik, ngrawat lan ngrampungake produk kulit kayata sandhangan kulit, barang kulit lan sepatu kulit.
2. Kulit
Bahan baku dhasar kanggo nggawe kulit, dijupuk saka kulit macem-macem kewan (utamané kéwan domestik), the skin that has not been or has been preserved before leather processing.
Note: common name: rawhide.
After physical processing and chemical treatment process and made, has been denatured, not easy to decay, can be used for processing and making leather products of […]

Sepuluh Aturan Pangopènan Kulit Microfiber

Produk kulit microfiber ing proses panggunaan, perlu banget kanggo nindakake pangopènan sing tepat. Ing proses pangopènan sawijining, kita kudu nggatekake, njupuk cara pangopènan bener, bisa tenan muter peran efektif. Dadi, what kind of law do we have to follow when it comes to maintenance? This is a problem that WINIW wants to introduce to you today.

1, microfiber leather products need once a week with a dry towel […]

Jinis Kulit Ponggawa

Kulit sintetis umume diklasifikasikake miturut resin sintetis sing digunakake.
Kaping pisanan yaiku PVC (polivinil klorida), kang produk sawise pangobongan, banyu, karbon dioksida lan senyawa sing ngandhut klorin, malah gas klorin diprodhuksi; iku campuran resin polivinil klorida, plasticizer and other matching agents, coated or laminated to fabric, and made by a certain processing process to wake up the material products. Kajaba iku, there are also double-sided polyvinyl chloride artificial leather with plastic layer on both sides […]

Apa Bedane Kulit Asli lan Kulit Nappa?

Kulit asli yaiku panggunaan produksi lan pangolahan kulit kewan, konsep kulit gawean minangka gantos kanggo nggunakake gawean saka bahan serat kimia digawe. Kulit asli umume diarani kulit lapisan pertama, kulit lapisan kapindho, lan kulit sintetis. Rega saka telung jinis kulit ing urutan mudun.
Lumahing kulit asli duwe pori sing luwih cetha, pola, kulit sapi kuning nduweni pori-pori sing luwih proporsional, kulit yak duwe pori sing luwih kandel lan jarang, goat skin has fish scale […]

Kulit Microfiber wis dadi Hot Spot Anyar kanggo Pangembangan Kulit Sintetis

Ing taun-taun pungkasan, ing tekanan saka kabijakan perlindungan lingkungan, perusahaan kulit sintetik substandard pangayoman lingkungan sing mboko sithik mati, ing wektu sing padha, kanthi pangembangan bahan anyar lan proses anyar, kompetisi pasar kulit sintetik dadi saya galak, backward production capacity is gradually eliminated, the current microfiber leather as the representative of artificial leather has both environmental protection, performance and price advantages, its development prospects are promising, become the development direction of synthetic innovation.

Tracing the development […]

Katrampilan Pangopènan Kursi Mobil Kulit Microfiber

Skills pangopènan 1 saka kursi mobil kulit super serat: reresik sing tepat; Penting kanggo ngresiki kursi mobil kulit super serat; Nalika ngresiki jok mobil, sampeyan kudu milih agen reresik kanggo ngresiki bledug lan reregetan ing lumahing kulit, so as to prevent bacteria and garbage pollutants from eroding the leather seats, and keep them dry and clean.

The second maintenance skill of super fiber leather car seat: no soaking; Many car owners are sometimes too […]

Fitur saka Kulit Microfiber Suede

Gaya unik
Kain suede nduweni titik refleksi cilik, luster alus lan werna, katon lengkap lan apik. Kekakuan elastis sing luwih cilik saka serat ndadekake gampang entuk efek elegan kanthi suede. Iki menehi suede sintetik kreatipitas lan kenyamanan visual sing unik.
Nyaman banget
Microfiber suede has good absorption of water and oil. The micro-porous structure between the fabrics allows more static air in the fabric, so better insulation can be obtained. The delicacy of the fibers makes the fabric soft […]

Titik kanggo Reresik Efektif saka Kulit Microfiber

Reresik kulit microfiber, kaya paling kulit, mbutuhake teknik reresik tartamtu supaya bisa diresiki kanthi gampang lan gampang. Ora ana bedane gedhe antarane ngresiki kulit microfiber lan kulit biasa, nanging amarga keunikan saka kulit microfiber, there are still some points to pay attention to when cleaning. The following is a summary of six points to note when cleaning microfiber leather, let’s take a look at it.

After the microfiber leather is slightly dirty, use common eraser […]

Katrampilan mbedakake Kulit Microfiber Bener lan Palsu

Kulit microfiber minangka teknologi kulit buatan sing paling maju saiki. Ora beda karo kulit alami ing tampilan lan rasa, lan malah ngluwihi kulit alami ing kinerja. Nanging, kaluwihan sing didhukung dening proses Komplek lan rega rada luwih dhuwur dibandhingake karo jinis liyane saka kulit Ponggawa.

Mulane, sawetara produk kulit serat super sing ditiru uga mbanjiri pasar. Kepiye carane bisa tuku kulit serat super sing berkualitas nalika milih?
The following four points must be paid attention […]

Apa Bahan Kursi Mobil?

Nalika tuku mobil, wong tansah mbayar manungsa waé liyane kanggo dekorasi interior. Ing dekorasi interior, materi kursi uga bisa nuduhake kemewahan dekorasi interior. Dadi, jok mobil biasane duwe bahan apa? Are car leather seats made of leather? Let’s take a look at this.

Saiki, most cars use faux leather seats. The so-called faux leather seats are mainly made of two materials, one is synthetic leather, the other is microfiber […]