Aký materiál je syntetická koža?

Syntetická koža is a plastic product that simulates the composition and structure of natural leather and can be used as its substitute. Zvyčajne sa vyrába z impregnovanej netkanej textílie ako sieťovej vrstvy a mikroporéznej polyuretánovej vrstvy ako povrchovej vrstvy častíc. Jeho predná a zadná strana je veľmi podobná koži, a majú určitú priepustnosť, which is closer to natural leather than ordinary lepená koža a.

Vzhľad superjemnej PU syntetickej kože je treťou generáciou umelej kože. Netkaná textília so sieťou trojrozmernej štruktúry vytvára podmienky na to, aby syntetická koža dobehla a prekonala prírodnú kožu, pokiaľ ide o substrát.. Combined with the newly developed processing technology of Pu slurry impregnation and composite surface layer with open pore structure, this product plays a huge surface area and strong water absorption role of ultra-fine fibers, making ultra-fine PU synthetic leather have the inherent moisture absorption characteristics of natural leather with fascicular ultra-fine collagen fibers. Preto, no matter from the aspects of internal microstructure, textúra vzhľadu, fyzické vlastnosti a pohodlie ľudí pri nosení, Can be compared with high-grade natural leather. Navyše, superfine fiber synthetic leather is better than natural leather in chemical resistance, quality uniformity, mass production and processing adaptability, waterproof and mildew resistance.
Practice has proved that the excellent properties of synthetic leather can not be replaced by natural leather. From the analysis of domestic and foreign markets, synthetic leather has also replaced a large number of natural leather with insufficient resources. The use of artificial leather and synthetic leather for the decoration of bags, odevy, topánky, vehicles and furniture has been increasingly recognized by the market. Jeho široká škála aplikácií, large number and many varieties are beyond the traditional natural leather.

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