Vad sägs om konstgjort miljöskyddsläder?

Med den ekonomiska utvecklingens framsteg, läder spelar en allt viktigare roll i människors dagliga liv, och det billiga och högkvalitativa konstlädret har också blivit den produkt som folk älskar mest. Det ger oss skönhet, adel och tröst. Bara för att vi utsätts för så mycket, men konstläder är trots allt en kemisk produkt. Är det skadligt för vår hälsa.
Enligt olika miljöskyddskrav, artificial leather can be simply divided into non environmental protection leather, ordinary environmental protection leather and advanced environmental protection leather. With the different environmental protection levels, the general price is also different, and the environmental protection situation is also different.
Non environmental protection leather is generally cheap, and is mostly used in industrial products, infrastructure and other products that do not need frequent contact. i alla fall, as the world pays more and more attention to environmental protection, the non environmental leather has been gradually reduced in various fields.
Ordinary environment-friendly leather has strict control over the ingredients that have an impact on people. It has reached various testing standards and can be safely used. För närvarande, environmental protection leather is used for high-end luggage, hotel and family decoration, etc.
Advanced environmental protection leather, namely European standard environmental protection leather, is simply a higher standard than ordinary environmental protection testing. This kind of leather is not harmful to human skin and health.
With the development of science and technology, artificial leather has gradually met our human requirements in terms of environmental protection. In terms of performance, some leather (mikrofiberläder) has exceeded the performance of leather.

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