ما هي الجلود القابلة للتحلل والجلود المعاد تدويرها

ما هي الجلود القابلة للتحلل والجلود المعاد تدويرها


جلد قادر


  1. تعريف الجلد القابل للتحلل


يشير الجلد القابل للتحلل الحيوي إلى الجلود الاصطناعية والجلود الاصطناعية التي يتم التخلص منها بعد استخدامها. يتحلل ويستوعب لإنتاج الماء, نشبع, الميثان, إلخ, وأخيرًا غير عضوي يتم تحويله إلى مادة جلد صناعي من الجلد الصناعي PU أو PVC ودورة الكربون في الطبيعة.


  1. The significance of biodegradable leather


Solve the current serious environmental pollution problem of “قمامة بيضاء”. في الوقت الحاضر, all countries have issued mandatory laws to prohibit the production and sale of traditional plastics and other non-degradable polymer materials.


  1. Classification of biodegradable leather


According to the final result of degradation: complete biodegradation and destructive biodegradation.


Completely biodegradable plastics are mainly made of natural polymers through microbial fermentation or synthesis of biodegradable polymers, such as thermoplastic starch plastics, aliphatic polyester (PHA), polylactic acid (جيش التحرير الشعبى الصينى), starch/polyvinyl alcohol, إلخ. ;


Destructive biodegradable plastics mainly include starch modified (or filled) polyethylene PE, polypropylene PP, polyvinyl chloride PVC, polystyrene PS, إلخ.


  1. According to the way of degradation: photodegradable material, biodegradable, photo/biodegradable, إلخ.


  1. Recycled leather


  1. Definition of recycled leather


Recycled reclaimed leather refers to artificial leather, synthetic leather production materials, some or all of which are made from waste materials, recycled and reprocessed into resin or leather base cloth to produce artificial leather products.


  1. The significance of recyclingleather


In order to protect the environment, energy-saving emission reduction, resource recycling and reuse, and a strategy to promote sustainable economic and social development. More and more famous international companies have put forward the slogan ofenvironmental protectionand advocated the use of environmentally friendly materials, so renewable and recyclable materials have become a popular trend.


  1. Types ofrecycled leather products


في الوقت الحاضر, when artificial leather is mainly produced, the leather base cloth is artificial leather synthetic leather produced by using recycled cloth.


  1. Testing and certification


GRS (Global Recycle Standard)-Global Recycle Standard Certification.

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