Application Technology And Development Of Sea-Island Microfiber Leather

Application Technology And Development Of Sea-Island Microfiber Leather

Fixed island method: It is made by two-component composite spinning technology. It exists in a separate form before the spinning distribution plate. The cross section of the fiber is that one component is fine and dispersed by another component. Surrounded, much like an island in the sea, its island and sea components are continuously dense and evenly distributed along the length of the fiber. The number of islands is fixed, uniform and regular, and the size is consistent and can reach 0.04 denier. After spinning, it exists in conventional fineness. Only when the sea component is dissolved by the solvent in the post-processing, can the bundle-shaped superfine fiber bundle be really obtained, which is currently used in filaments.

Indefinite island method: It is made by two-component miscible spinning technology. The cross-section of its fiber is also a component in a fine and dispersed state surrounded by another component. The island in the single fiber is It is microscopically uncontrollable and discontinuously densely distributed along the length of the fiber. The number of islands is not fixed and the fineness is different, but the overall fiber is finer, the finest can reach 0.001 denier. After spinning, it also exists in conventional fineness. Only when the sea component is dissolved by the solvent in the post-processing, the bundle-like ultra-fine fiber bundle is really obtained. Since the island part is stretched to form ultra-fine fibers, it can only produce short fibers at present.

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